Knicks 板


消息來源: 摘要: 1.我們的第二輪新秀Trevor Ariza在訓練營中 以認真的態度打動了教練Wilkens的心 老威教練極有可能會將Trevor Ariza放入12人名單當中 看來Trevor Ariza的身價果然不只第二輪43順位 2.金塊的前鋒Kenyon Maetin說他沒時間跟TT打那一場傳說中的拳擊賽 ----------->所以這一切都是幻覺啦 3.Kurt Thomas對於新球季先發大前鋒之爭表態 不論KT會不會下一個球季的先發PF KT都會接受這個事實,因為訓練營裡的每依個人 都想爭取先發的位置 (果然有老將的風範呀.....) 4.看來大衛貓的開季分析寫的還不錯 熱火隊表示如果尼克開除Mr.Anderson 熱火隊會很快樂的接收 (老湯:哼哼哼.....那我們尼克就來養隻米蟲吧..........) ARIZA IMPRESSES WILKENS By MARC BERMAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Email Archives Print Reprint October 7, 2004 -- KNICK NOTES CHARLESTON — As rookie Trevor Ariza continued shooting drills 30 minutes after the rest of the Knicks had left the court, Lenny Wilkens nodded in his direction and said, "We can't get him off the court." Wilkens is enthralled by Isiah Thomas' first Knick draft choice. In Tuesday's first scrimmage, Ariza made another impression. Ariza, the slashing 6-7 UCLA swingman, drove to the basket and was knocked down by Kurt Thomas. A possession later, Ariza went right at Thomas again and converted. "I want him to respect the veterans but don't be in awe of them," Wilkens said. "That's the attitude you have to have." A source said Ariza will make the 12-man active roster and could see spot duty in the rotation. Not bad for the draft's 43rd pick. * Knicks owner James Dolan arrived here last night to witness the team with the league's highest payroll . . . Nuggets' Kenyon Martin wants no part of Tim Thomas' latest challenge to a boxing match: "I ain't got time to comment on that. I don't have time for games." While Kurt Thomas scoffed at the idea of Michael Sweetney taking his starting job, the former Georgetown star is keeping it low key. "If I end up starting, I do. If not, it's no big deal. Everybody here wants to start, but my goal is to just win games." Heat could sign Shandon Anderson if Knicks waive him. -- 因為喜歡尼克 所以改型叫NYK 囉^^ 被叫去當拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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1F:推 ctyyork:最近小忙~感謝david兄幫忙貼新聞 10/07
2F:推 david319:沒有啦.....剛好小弟想鑽點賭本啦^^ 10/08

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