Knicks 板


消息來源: 隊長仍然覺得他的腳傷沒有好. 因此隊長將讓出他的先發位置給新同學Jamal Crwaford. (目前確定為八場的季前熱身賽..........) 隊長說他注重的是季後賽的時候能替球隊得分 現在他覺得腿的狀況還沒有好, 所以將不會像去年一樣勉強自己上場打球 (去年對魔術隊開幕戰的時候隊長打了49分鐘..............xxd) 隊長將會在他覺得身體狀況滿意的情形下回到球隊的陣容 就算趕不上11-3的開幕戰也沒有關係........... 隊長說他沒有水晶球, 那一天會歸隊他也不知道 上一季隊長只跟小馬搭配了20場球 如果隊長沒有在開季前歸隊,這或許會對尼克隊的團隊默契產生變數 HOUSTON STILL DOWN By MARC BERMAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNEED TIME: Allan Houston isn't rushing his return from offseason knee surgery - something he believes set him back last season. - Anthony J. Causi Email Archives Print Reprint October 6, 2004 -- CHARLESTON ?It's become increasingly clear that Allan Houston has no intention of playing the season opener when the Knicks face Latrell Sprewell and the Timberwolves on Nov. 3 in Minnesota. After sitting out a good chunk of yesterday's first two-a-day sessions at the College of Charleston, including the evening scrimmage, the knee-rehabbing Houston drastically downplayed his chances of playing the eight-game preseason schedule games or the opener. Houston has history and superstition on his side. He rushed back from microsurgery last summer, played the final two exhibition games and logged 49 minutes in the opener, an overtime loss to Orlando. He cites that game as a major setback. "It's not that important," Houston said of making it back for the opener. "Would you rather me play opening night or in the NBA Finals and be healthy for the whole season? I'm looking at it that way. The reason I'm here is I treated [the opener] important last year because I wasn't really smart." Houston's caution will allow newcomer Jamal Crawford to steal his starting shooting guard by default, beginning with the Oct. 14 preseason opener vs. the Nets. And once Crawford's got it, it's unlikely the athletic former Bull is giving it back. "I'm not even worried about it a bit," Houston said of losing his starting job. If Houston sits out until late November or early December, it would be eight months since he'd played a game. "My focus is on getting to the point where I can go all out, not look back, not have to hold back," Houston said. "When that is, that's what it's going to be. I don't have a crystal ball. "This is about 115 games, not two games in the preseason. We're trying to win in June and the next June and the next June." Houston is not even guessing when he might attempt to scrimmage. His lone basketball work is jump shots and free throws. "It's so far from that, I'm not even looking at it," Houston said. Going 49 minutes in last season's opener will always haunt Houston. "It definitely set me back," he said. "I hadn't built a foundation, a strength. I deceived myself. That's why I sound cautious. I don't want to think about tomorrow or Nov. 3. I know you want a yes or no, but I can't give you that." Figure he sits out. Stephon Marbury is already waxing eloquent about playing alongside Crawford in the backcourt, saying, "We're two guys right there with a lot of trickery to [our] games. That's beautiful." Marbury played only 20 games with Houston last season, so they haven't developed a strong chemistry. -- 因為喜歡尼克 所以改型叫NYK 囉^^ 被叫去當拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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1F:推 josephwdyrw:還是小心謹慎一點好 不要像Grant Hill一樣 10/07
2F:推 david319:對呀.....現在球隊的板凳深度夠了 10/07
3F:推 david319:隊長可以安心養傷了....... 10/07

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