Knicks 板


消息來源: 摘要: 1.老湯請了新的隊醫Dr. Lisa Callahan,  Lisa姐姐幫助了醉漢解決了心臟不舒服這各問題  並且協助33歲的醉漢成功的減肥到240磅   Lisa姐姐之前在NHL紐約巨人隊服務了兩年  自上週起擔任尼克隊的隊醫 2.還記得去年的訓練營裡, Kurt Thomas 跟 Mutombo競爭先發中鋒這件事嗎? 今年KT可能又要面臨先發pf保衛戰了   老威教練在訓練營中告訴這名老將,球隊需要一名更有活動力的長人來擔任 新球季的先發PF---------->而種種跡象顯示這個人將是Mike Sweetney!! KT如此告訴記者的:我自認為我的活動動力不輸給球館內任何一名長人,   而且我還可以伸手封阻他們的投籃.................. 看來這名老將是不許任何人奪取他的先發地位的.. ISIAH GIVES TEAM A NEW HEALTH PLAN By MARC BERMAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Email Archives Print Reprint October 6, 2004 -- KNICK NOTE SCHARLESTON ?   In a groundbreaking move, Knicks president Isiah Thomas has hired Dr. Lisa Callahan, who diagnosed Vin Baker's irregular heartbeat, to be the club's No. 1 medical decision-maker, The Post has learned.   Callahan, who served two years with the football Giants, joined the Knicks last week as the team's director of player care, responsible for all aspects  of players' health, a team source said. Callahan will oversee issues from minor dental work to the messy complexities of Allan Houston's knee rehab and, of course, Baker's heart condition. No other NBA team has created such a high-ranking medical position. Dr. Norman Scott remains as the club's orthopedist, but Dr. Callahan, who's here with the team, is in charge of recommending all courses of action. Callahan's hiring is said to be unrelated to her discovery of Baker's life-threatening irregular heartbeat ?which went undetected, Baker believes, for nine years. The Player's Association used Callahan last spring to examine Baker during his hearing against the Celtics, and she recommended heart surgery. "She got into it and found out what was going on," Baker told The Post. "I feel totally different. The energy is there. The energy level is back up high. My weight is down. It's neat to feel your body changing, especially at my age of 33. The first day, I felt like the bionic man." PF Kurt Thomas is in a snarly mood regarding Lenny Wilkens' edict that starting jobs are up for grabs. Michael Sweetney is in contention. "We'll see how long it lasts," Thomas said, predicting he'll have the job sewn up in five days. Asked if he'd be shocked if he lost his starting job, Thomas snapped, "You would be, too." On Wilkens' saying last April that the club could use a more athletic power forward, Thomas said, "I'm just as athletic as any big man out here. And I can outshoot them, too. Hands down." -- 因為喜歡尼克 所以改型叫NYK 囉^^ 被叫去當拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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