Knicks 板


消息來源: 因為KT的運動力不足 所以不是老湯所喜愛的那型PF球員 因此老湯現在想幫KT找個新東家.......... (關鍵字:前同學勉族M.Camby....... 1996老湯替暴龍選進的禁區球員,老湯喜歡這型的高大球員吧) 如果交易了KT 尼克可以同時放上回教人跟醉漢作為先發的中前鋒 不然可以放上夏季聯盟的明星球員 ----M.Sweetney這名肌肉派PF作為先發的大前鋒 (你沒看錯,肌肉派.....原文是這麼寫的^^) 另外......... 5-10的後衛Andre Barrett將會跟蒙古之鷹巴特爾一起參加 即將在美國時間週四開始的訓練營 不過15人名單已經滿囉.......... ISIAH STILL SIZIN' IT UP By MARC BERMAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK KNICKS September 29, 2004 -- Knicks president Isiah Thomas is stockpiling big men and will add 6-foot-11 Mengke Bateer to the preseason roster on Monday, The Post has learned. Also being invited to training camp is Andre Barrett, the 5-10 point guard from Seton Hall, who played for the Knicks' summer-league team in Long Beach. The Knicks' seven-day boot camp in Charleston, S.C., begins on Tuesday. Thomas is adding Bateer, a Chinese journeyman joining his sixth team in three years, even though he already has the maximum 15 guaranteed contracts, besides Bateer and Barrett. Thomas is also continuing to shop Kurt Thomas ?who's not athletic enough for Isiah's liking. If Thomas is traded, Knicks brass would have no problem starting a frontcourt tandem of Nazr Mohammed and Vin Baker, who's coming off surgery to correct a rapid heartbeat that's gone undetected for several years. A muscular Michael Sweetney, the Knicks' summer-league star, could also vie for the starting power forward job. Meanwhile, Allan Houston is expected to discuss the rehab status of his arthritic knees at a Harlem school appearance today. -- 因為喜歡尼克 所以改型叫NYK 囉^^ 被叫去當拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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