Knicks 板


Part One of Two Isiah Thomas Preseason Q&A (沒時間翻譯.....請大家慢慢看^^) 來源: NEW YORK, NY, September 23, 2004 -- New York Knicks President, Basketball Operations Isiah Thomas sat down with this week to provide a state of the team preview as the Knicks prepare to open training camp on October 5 in Charleston, SC. This is the part one of a two-part interview: Q: With training camp less than two weeks away, how would you describe this offseason? A: I think we improved the team with some key acquisitions and that our returning players are coming back healthier and in great shape, mentally and physically. That is what you hope to do, so I am happy with the offseason. Q: Did you accomplish what you set out to do at the beginning of the preseason? A: Our goal was to improve the team while getting younger and more athletic, especially on the perimeter, and I think we did do that. Of course, if more opportunities do come up to improve our team, we will explore them. However, I think this group is a very good one. Q: What are some of the characteristics that you think this team will display this year? A: I think that our goal is to continue to have a team that is reflective of our city. We want a team that is younger, athletic and plays the game the way this city knows it should be played, with hustle and determination on both ends of the court. Our team will use all 94 feet of the court to achieve our goal, and there is no excuse not to put our best effort forth every day. That begins with training camp. Q: A lot is made of the fact that this training camp will be invaluable to this team. How important will October be? A: Training camp sets the tone for the whole season. Once the ball goes up on November 3, it is impossible to fully implement your system, so yes, this time will be critical for us as a team. I remain so impressed with the job the players and the coaches did last year, coming in so late in the season and still having success on the court. It makes me even more excited about our chances over a full season. Q: The biggest change was the trade for Jamal Crawford and Jerome Williams. How do you see those guys fitting in? A: One of the things you need to win in this league is depth, and the trade gives us depth at two key positions. Both guys are very pleased to be Knicks and they will be very positive additions to our team. Jamal’s best days are ahead of him as he has just started to learn the game, and Jerome is a very good defender and rebounder who our fans will love. He has had his best seasons playing under Lenny Wilkens (in Toronto), and I think that will continue. Jerome’s hustle and Jamal's energy will be very important in lifting our team during the season’s dog days. Q: Two other guys you added were Jamison Brewer and Bruno Sundov, two guys you had in Indiana. How do they factor in? A: Jamison is a very steady player with great defensive skills, and gives us even more depth at point guard. Bruno has added some bulk this summer and also gives us more depth. He is a very skilled big man who I think is finally learning the game and it’s nuances and could be a factor for us. Q: What do you think Stephon’s Olympic experience will mean to him? A: I think it was invaluable for his development as a player and a person. Even though the team only won a bronze medal, he improved with every game and got to become one of the best stories of what many feel was a very disappointing time for USA Basketball. I think that adversity and experience will help him take the next step as a point guard, a person and as a leader. Q: Michael Sweetney and Trevor Ariza both had solid summers. What are you expecting from them? A: Michael really took a big step at the end of last season, and followed that up with a very solid summer. I fully expect him to be a big factor for us once we get going. People forget how young he is and that he got off to a slow start last year for a number of reasons. Trevor was also a pleasant surprise for us, but he is even younger and inexperienced. I look forward to seeing how he responds to his first training camp. Q: Another key move this summer was the resigning of Vin Baker. What will that mean to the team? A: Vin came to us late and banged up last season, and was still able to help us get to the playoffs. He is in better shape and seems more motivated to make a difference this season, and a healthy and happy Vin Baker could make a big difference in our success this year. Q: How good do you think this team will be? A: I am not in the prediction business, but I will tell you this. If we stay healthy I know we will be a fun team to watch and on the nights we lose, it will not be from lack of effort on our part. We improved in some key areas and have a full season to implement Lenny’s system. I think it will be an exciting season for our organization, our city, and for our fans. -- 因為喜歡尼克 所以改型叫NYK 囉^^ 被叫去當拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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