Knicks 板


這可是一篇好文章喔 如果你有空,請仔細看完 內容非常的有深度^^ 請那位大大有空來翻譯好嗎? 謝謝^^ (CTYYORK老大......拜託囉) 這一篇是對新球季大西區的展望 我們被Boston的媒體預期是龍頭 原文解釋,大西洋區可能是全nba球隊實力最低的一區 (不解??那東南區ㄟ....難道說指的是本區龍頭的實力最差嗎??.....怒怒怒) 明年4月可以預期尼克跟塞爾提克將爭奪大西洋區的龍頭 也就是看好尼克跟小綠綠的意思啦 這篇文章有很多訪問老湯的談話 應該是請老湯談談他對尼克對的看法吧 尼克下一季的關鍵人物: That said, Thomas acknowledged that the Knicks expect a lot from Michael Sweetney, Nazr Mohammed, and Stephon Marbury. 當然,因為是Boston的媒體專訪 所以老湯也談了很多"醉俠"BAKER的部分 老湯也相信打過奧運以後的 STARBURY會有更多的LEADERSHIP 帶領球隊走的更高更遠 大衛貓只貼關於尼克的部分 消息來源:봺 short_division_lacks_answers/ PRO BASKETBALL NOTES Short division lacks answers Are Knicks at head of remedial class? By Shira Springer | September 5, 2004 本段....對明年大西洋區的展望: With this city obsessed by a certain pinstriped baseball squad, another New York team with a bloated payroll comes to mind. Like the Yankees, the Knicks also are a divisional rival of their Boston counterpart. To the dismay of those trying to promote NBA basketball as a quality product, the Knicks and Celtics could easily find themselves battling for the Atlantic Division title come April. With a collection of teams in transition that also includes New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Toronto, the Atlantic could be the weakest division in the realigned NBA. Knicks president of basketball operations Isiah Thomas will leave the prognostications to reporters; he likes the athleticism and versatility of his roster. This offseason, he added rookie Trevor Ariza, Jamison Brewer, Jamal Crawford, and Jerome Williams. Gone are Dikembe Mutombo, Othella Harrington, and Frank Williams. And yet to re-sign is DerMarr Johnson. 以下這一段是重點,可以整段看看^^ ADVERTISEMENT "There are a lot of question marks on all the teams in this division," said Thomas. "Until we can figure it out, everybody is really starting from zero and I don't think there are any favorites. Everybody has just as good a shot to win the division as anyone else. There's still a lot of unknowns on our team. Not until you actually see them out on the floor can you assess what you need or what you have." That said, Thomas acknowledged that the Knicks expect a lot from Michael Sweetney, Nazr Mohammed, and Stephon Marbury. Despite the fact that the US men's team left Athens with a bronze medal, Thomas believes the Olympic experience benefited Marbury more than any other player. While the point guard made a big impression by scoring 31 points (a US Olympic record) in the quarterfinals against Spain, Thomas was most pleased with Marbury's ability to play his best in a big-game setting. 小馬的奧運學習之旅 "領導人學習營" "It was a very adverse situation and I thought it tested his leadership skills," said Thomas of the two-week Olympic tournament. "He learned some things about himself and about the game. The most important thing he learned was how to gain the trust of his teammates. "When all of this started, he was just one of many. As the tournament progressed, he became someone that [coach] Larry [Brown] trusted and that his teammates trusted. It's a big-time responsibility, and I think that gave him more confidence and put him in a better position to come back and lead our team." 關於"醉俠貝克漢" When it comes to recently re-signed free agent Vin Baker (two years, approximately $7 million), the expectations are much different. Thomas hopes the recovering alcoholic remains mentally and physically healthy; anything beyond that would be a bonus. After Baker and the Celtics reached a settlement last season, the former All-Star signed with New York on March 12 for the final 17 games of the regular season and what turned out to be one playoff series. Baker averaged 6.6 points and 4.1 rebounds in 18.4 minutes per game with the Knicks Baker should benefit from a full preseason with the team rather than acclimating himself during a playoff race. ADVERTISEMENT "I like him as a person and I like him as a player," said Thomas. "He helped us a lot last year, and it was a difficult situation for him because he hadn't played in a while and everything that he was going through mentally. He's had a great summer. He's in great shape. He doesn't need to score 20 points and get 10 rebounds for us to be effective. Whatever he gives us will be a big boost. "I just hope that he remains a healthy person. If he stays a healthy person, then we're OK. I don't like to see him battle with the alcoholism alone. He's a wonderful person. If he continues to do what he's been doing, we're happy with him. He's in a good place right now mentally and physically." 後面的部分是是76人還有其他大西洋區的球隊 大衛貓沒有貼 有興趣的小愛迷還有其他有興趣的大大請自行上網觀看囉^^ 下臺一鞠躬.....喵 -- 因為喜歡尼克 所以改型叫NYK 囉^^ 被叫去當拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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