Kings 板


Ticket prices for Game 1 of Kings-Warriors playoff series in Sacramento hit all-time high 國王vs勇士G1票價 創下NBA季後賽首輪歷史新高 Ticket prices are hitting all-time highs in Sacramento as the Kings prepare to face the Golden State Warriors in the first round of the playoffs. Northern California rivals will collide in a best-of seven series with the Kings making their first playoff appearance since 2006 and the defending NBA champion Warriors seeking their fifth title in eight years. The average price for Game 1 on Saturday at Golden 1 Center is the most expensive ticket on record for the first round of the NBA playoffs, according to TickPick. The site reports that ticket prices for games in Sacramento are twice as high as games at Chase Center in San Francisco. 16年來首次晉級季後賽的國王,首輪對上衛冕軍勇士,G1在國王主場Golden 1 Center 的平均票價是G3在勇士主場Chase Center的兩倍,已經創下NBA季後賽首輪票價的新高。 “Ticket prices for the Kings-Warriors series are in high demand for a few reasons,” TickPick brand manager Kyle Zorn told The Sacramento Bee. “Most notably is the 16-year wait Kings fans have endured to see their team in the playoffs. Additionally, both franchises ranked in the top 15 this season for most expensive ticket prices with the Warriors being the most expensive ticket of the regular season. The close proximity between the two cities is allowing for more potential buyers for each game. There’s also a ton of hype on social media stemming from these teams featuring two of the best offenses in the NBA.” 售票網站品牌經理表示,票價創新高的原因有幾個,國王隊相隔16年打入季後賽是主要 原因,而兩隊例行賽票價就已經是聯盟前段(前15),勇士例行賽票價還是聯盟最貴的; 兩個城市距離相近也吸引了更多的球迷購票,另外本季兩隊還是NBA最好的進攻球隊。 TickPick is an online marketplace where users can buy and sell tickets to games, concerts and other live events. According to TickPick, the average purchase price for Game 1 at Golden 1 Center is $747. That is 778% higher than the average purchase price for Kings home games ($85), making it the most expensive Kings home game on record. The current “get-in price” for Game 1 is $522 compared to $261 for Game 3 at Chase Center. TickPick notes that these figures represent “all-in prices ” with no added fees for buyers. As of Tuesday morning, Ticketmaster had listings ranging from $531.25 (fees included) for the upper level to $15,000 for courtside seats. 根據TickPick,G1國王主場平均票價是747鎂,超過國王主場平均票價(85鎂)778%, 也是國王主場最貴票價的紀錄。 目前G1最便宜票價是552鎂,G3在勇士主場則是261鎂。 而到目前為止(美國時間週二),Ticketmaster上G1的價格從最便宜的上層座位531鎂, 到最貴的場邊席15000鎂。 There are other options for fans in Sacramento who don’t want to make the trip to San Francisco in search of more affordable tickets. The Kings will host watch parties at Golden 1 Center for away games. Admission is free, but tickets will be required. For more information, visit 覺得主場票價太貴的話,客場比賽時國王隊會在Golden 1 Center舉辦轉播趴, 免費但需索票。 心得:報復性買票,存錢存了16年再貴也要買(?) 偷渡幾張2019年初去美國看林書豪(當時還在老鷹),特地挑一場在國王主場的比賽, 記得是場邊第5還第6排,票價印象中是200鎂出頭(台幣7000多),結果現在在台灣就 可以看到林書豪了 XDDD 當時Fox頂個爆炸頭還很瘦,Huerter還在對面

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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: freetempo ( 臺灣), 04/14/2023 22:52:06
1F:→ GodEyes: 存季後賽票錢一存17年,一年存100鎂就好,第一輪就算打滿 04/14 22:55
2F:→ GodEyes: 七場都快可以看整個系列賽了 T T 04/14 22:55
3F:推 justid113: 重點在後面偷渡的現場看球+Lin吧! 而且還看到Len也在 04/14 23:28
4F:→ justid113: 對面XD 04/14 23:28
5F:→ GodEyes: 兄弟們鬧鐘記得設,明早八點半集合了 04/15 23:55

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