Kings 板


Peja﹝﹞: “Besides the regular things, for sure I need to work on my post game and get some new move into my repertoire and try to get better. It’s tough in Greece to find guys to play basketball because they’re all chasing around the beach and no one wants to play ball in the summertime.” Peja說他要多練練低位單打, 為自己的籃球技巧增加一些招數。 他說在希臘很難找到人一起打球, 因為大家都在海灘上追逐嬉戲。 Bobby﹝sacbee﹞: Bobby已經開始每天在Rancho Cordova的Basketball Town, 跟國王的練習球場裡面練球了。 國王隊將會執行Bobby下一季330萬的合約, 畢竟他在隊上已經連續兩年薪資排名不過區區第九名了。 光是這一個球季NBA就有166名球員的薪資比他高。 即使Bobby可以在別隊領取更高薪並成為先發, 他仍希望未來能繼續為這支球隊效力。 "I've got four kids, plus an (adopted) nephew here, so family is real important, and it's a great city," said Jackson, who added he wouldn't be surprised if he or any number of teammates is traded this summer. "I've got a lot invested here. I definitely want to be here. ... If the Kings don't want to pay me next summer (with an extension), I don't know, we'll see. But my first option is to be here." 他也說比起Phil Jackson來說, 由Rick Adelman繼續擔任教練, 球隊還是會繼續贏球下去。 He said the Kings can still win with Rick Adelman as coach and that any talk of Phil Jackson coming to rescue the team is more fiction than anything. Brad Miller: 大米說他以前認為重量訓練不是一件很重要的事, 但今年夏天他會在自己家裡添購幾台機器, 好好鍛鍊一下。 他還說了: “We just have to work on ourselves and our bodies and make ourselves a lot stronger. That's my main goal, to really get stronger so I can deal with Jerome James, guys that aren't great basketball players, but they're good where they bang and do the physical stuff.” 巧合的是, 去年夏天Webber在媒體訪問時發表的那一段批評隊友的談話中, 就有批評隊上的中鋒不作重量訓練一事。 一時找不到出處, 應該是之前在SacBee看到的。 Ostertag﹝﹞: 下一季要攆走他大概是無望了。 他放話下一季他要浴火重生, 讓他唯一不在場上效力的可能性, 只有當大O陷入犯規麻煩的時候。 == == “It was frustrating, but it was Rick's decision. All I can do is prepare and when he calls my name be ready to go as far as this year, but next year I'm gonna do my best to come in good shape and have it where if I'm not playing it's because I'm in foul trouble.” 至於問到他為不會脫離合約, 大O說: 你把我當白痴嗎? 看我今年的表現, 我會去自由市場上挑戰我的身價, 好試試有哪一支球隊會願意付我同樣的薪資嗎? == == “What kind of idiot do you think I am? Yeah (sarcasticlly), I’m going to go out and play the field and see who’s going to give me that much money for my production this year. " -- Ψ Singing is Believing Ψ Φ 夏宇:因為海灘總是好的並且什麼音樂都可以跳舞都可以推翻政府。 Φ Ω Ω --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 hitoku:辛苦你了~ 感謝! 05/18
2F:推 foranyway:大O好大口氣~XD 05/18
3F:推 Kyler:大O嘴砲= = 05/18
4F:推 pursuistmi:peja那段什麼海灘嬉戲的是在搞笑吧XD 05/18
5F:推 pursuistmi:大歐不知道是否值得期待XD... 05/18
6F:推 luken:PEJA最後一句還頗好笑的XD 05/18
7F:推 fechris:大O是自嘲吧? 05/18
8F:→ fechris:推薦這篇文章 05/18
9F:推 garychgg:大歐要向犯規界的喬丹挑戰了嗎 ~"~ 05/18
10F:推 runinthesky:大O還有點自知之明嘛... 05/18
11F:推 mtmmy:大O硬起來吧! 05/18
12F:推 tabu:別再相信大O了 05/18
13F:推 stink:大歐肯定是要賴著不走了 Orz 05/18
14F:推 fatbird:大歐orz 05/18
15F:推 z701660993:大O也知道自己的表現不怎樣= = 05/18
16F:推 pekshar:請問一下 大米勒傳球助攻功力如何? 05/19
17F:推 MwMwM:大O真是厚臉皮 = =凸 05/21

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