Kings 板

LINE SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Geoff Petrie signed a four-year extension with Sacramento on Friday, keeping the man most responsible for building the Kings into an NBA power under contract until at least 2010. 星期五時,Geoff Petrie和國王隊完成了延長合約四年的手續。這位建構 國王隊成為一級勁旅的總管將會續約至2010年。 The move to keep Petrie as the team's president of basketball operations follows the decision earlier this month by co-owners Gavin and Joe Maloof to exercise a one-year option on coach Rick Adelman for next season. 這個延長合約的動作接在本月稍早Maloof兄弟執行了Rick Adleman合約中的選擇權 之後。 "We're very mindful of the success we've had here the last six or seven years," Gavin Maloof said. "We haven't won it all but we still have one of the winningest teams in sports. That's because of Geoff, and Rick as well. He's a King for life." Petrie, who helped build two Western Conference championship teams in Portland, came to Sacramento in 1994. The Kings had made the playoffs only once in the previous nine seasons. But Petrie began rebuilding the team, acquiring stars Chris Webber, Mike Bibby and Brad Miller in trades, drafting Peja Stojakovic, and signing key free agents Vlade Divac and Bobby Jackson. The Kings have made the playoffs each of the last six seasons and trail only San Antonio and the Los Angeles Lakers for the most wins in the NBA in that span. Sacramento made it to the seventh game of the Western Conference finals in 2002 before losing to the Lakers, but has been knocked out in the second round each of the past two seasons. "We've done a lot of terrific things here but there still is that final frontier," Petrie said. "That's what we're working for." Petrie said the opportunity to keep working with the Maloofs, who took control of the Kings in 1999, played a big part in his desire to stay with the team through the 2009-10 season. "We have developed a working relationship that is by far the best anybody in my position could ever have," Petrie said. "They're enthusiastic. They're supportive. They never give up. Without that guidance, it's hard to move forward or even maintain what you have." The Maloofs made the move to extend Petrie's contract even though it wasn't going to expire until after next season. "He's given us a team that can compete and possibly win the title," Joe Maloof said. "I still think we can win the title this year. We wanted to lock him up." Petrie, a two-time All-Star as a player in Portland, was the NBA's Executive of the Year in 1999 and 2001. 後面一大堆主要是說Petrie的功勞和他與球團間的良好關係以及一些官方發言。 自己看吧 :) 讀完最後一段發覺我們的教練和總管都跟波特蘭有那麼一段關係在耶。 --

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