Kings 板


Divac and Brad Miller spent a minute answering some questions to "NBA En Espanol". 原文 translated by jagzgz in 這原文應該是西班牙文所以大家也可以用下面這個工具翻成中文 :) Vlade Divac: ESP - Owning a restaurant is quite a difficult business, why did u decide to get involved in this kinda biz? VD - well,truly it's not easy, but it's easier when u got people employed. My Wife is the person in charge and I only go there to eat.I have nothing to do with the management. ESP - so, it could be said u are kind of capitalist owner? VD - yeah, that's right. My wife runs it. I just put the money. ESP - the name of this local is Tunnel 21, 21 is ur number, but what about tunnel? VD - that place is like a tunnel, that's the why. It's difficult to describe it, but if u see it, it looks like a tunnel. ESP - u also owns another restaurant in Sacramento called L'Image. Are u considering about opening any other in a different city of the states? VD - nah, we're done with these. ESP - Apart from Basketball, u have had some appearances on tv and theater. could u work in it after u quit playing? VD - Don't think so. I can't imagine doing that in the future.The matter is that when u play in the nba, people just call u to make some projects and I accept some of them because I enjoy them. ESP - Many players aproaching the end of their careers decide to spent a year with the team in which they became pro players. Something similar is doing Sabonis (former Blazer).are u thinking that way? VD - Don't know yet, I'd like to go back to my country and spent some time playing for my club (Divac apiece with some others own a yugoslavian team). Anyway, it's quite difficult it could come true.What I'm sure I'll do is play a "goodbye game" with the people of my club. ESP - you have already said u are not playing The Olympics , is it ur last w ord? VD - yeah, I had my time there and now it's time 4 the youngers to step up. I won't play The Olympic Games. Brad Miller: ESP - this season you are doing a terrific work 4 the Kings. As a result you played ur 2nd All-Stars.What's your opinion about "the western way of game"? BM - Well, it has nothing to do with the play of Indy.players pull, push and fight more agressive in the Eastern Conference.In the West the play is quite more open. ESP - 62 regular season are done and the Kings are leading the West. How important is it to get the 1st place and take homecourt advantage? BM - It's very important because of the fans of this town. I just can imagine how the Arco will be in the playoffs. They support the team a lot and during the playoffs that roar will be even louder. ESP - Past seasons the Kings had a lack of presence in the paint. With you in the team it seems to be solved.You have fitted surprisingly well to this team in both offensive and defensive ends.Which has been the key for that? BM - Nothing special. I just try to do what team needs to win. I try to focus on defense, boards and high % in lowpost baskets. ESP - Before signing with the Hornets in 1999, you play a season in Italy. How was that experience? BM - It was right and I learnt a lot of things, but I wouldn't like to go back there.I like more playing in the nba. This is the best league of the world and I want to play here many years. ESP - Nba has grown up all over the world. International players are fitting in the league quite succesfully.Do you think is this fact good for the nba? BM - yeah, sure it's good. Nowadays there are players from all over the world in the nba and that's beacuse basketball is played everywhere. I think it's good for the league and make it even more competitive. ESP - It could happen that ur former team (Indiana Pacers) and the Kings faced in the nba finals.Would u like that? BM - It's still a long way to go to the finals. We first gotta play some rounds.In case it happened I wouldn't take it as something personal. --

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1F:→ gotoman:大米今天生氣了 XD 我第一次看他那麼激動 推218.172.161.216 03/15

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