Kings 板


Hedo, Vlade, and Peja: Still A Mutual Admiration Society Mar.07.2004 from: Hedo's Official Site It's no secret that European players are having a big impact on the NBA, and any discussion of the top European players to make the move across the big blue wet thing would have to include Peja Stojakovic, Vlade Divac, and Hedo Turkoglu. Hedo is, of course, the more recent of the three, and when asked about his transition from European ball to the NBA, he's quick to credit the two mentors he had in Sacramento. "I really could not have done it without Peja and Vlade," recalls Hedo. "They helped me to learn English, helped me learn about life in America and in the NBA. It made it much easier for me to fit in, with them already here and helping me to get used to things. I am glad to be in San Antonio, it's the best place for me right now, but I do miss playing with (Vlade and Peja)." Vlade Divac echoed Hedo's sentiments. "Oh, it was so much fun having Hedo around," said the Sacramento center. "We miss him a lot, not only as a part of our team, but also our friendship with him. Me and Peja miss going out with him, especially on the road." But just because Hedo is no longer a member of the Sacramento Kings, it doesn't mean his former teammates don't keep up with his progress with his new team. "When I check our standings, I always check (the Spurs) standings, and I check their boxscores and see how Hedo's doing. It took him a while to get used to it, but now he has picked up his game and evolved." Peja Stojakovic had a much more serious approach to questions about Hedo. "I can't talk about Hedo," said Peja . . .who kept a straight face for two or three seconds before cracking up. "I love Hedo! Did he say good things about me?" No, I quipped, he said you were a ball hog (Peja and Vlade laughing). But seriously, he said you and Vlade were very important to him in helping him adjust to life in America and life in the NBA. "Actually, I gave him English lessons because he didn't speak it at all and I was pretty fluent ("And I taught him math," interjected Vlade). "Yeah," continued Peja. "Vlade was responsible on the court and I was responsible off the court. I took care of him and I'm sure he appreciated it." Hedo is very open when asked about his feelings toward Vlade and Peja. They were his mentors and his best friends, and even though they no longer work together, Hedo still considers them to be his closest friends outside of the San Antonio locker room. Peja returns the sentiment. "We miss Hedo. He is our very good friend, our brother, and I wish him well. He's a great player, a great man, and I love him." While the Kings and Spurs are natural enemies as they struggle to fight off each other in the standings, the love between Hedo, Peja, and Vlade continues to form a strong bond. The two who remain in Sacramento quietly cheer for Hedo as they play for a team that will ultimately have to get past the defending champion Spurs in order to achieve their ultimate goal of winning a title. They understand that Hedo wanted to make a move that would help his career, and that it meant moving away from Sacramento. "He wanted to be a starter," said Peja, "and he's playing for a great team. I believe he's going to have a long and successful career in the NBA." Vlade: "I wish him the best, and hope he has all kinds of luck and happiness down there. I think he's one of the best up and coming players." And so the three remain friends, they still watch either other's careers with interest, and they wish each other the best . . .at least until they meet in the playoffs. Sometimes life in the NBA takes friends away from each other, but the friendships are still there. Peja, Vlade, and Hedo will always be friends, and Hedo will always be grateful for all Peja and Vlade did to make his transition to the NBA a fairly smooth one. By Bill Ingram for Ultimate Pros and Basketball News Services --

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2F:→ runinthesky:我想問一下什麼是ball hog啊?? 推140.119.194.224 03/09
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4F:→ siriusorion:自私不傳球的豬頭...XDXD 推140.119.195.112 03/09

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