Kings 板


一段時間以前的事了 因為沒有特別好玩的東西 所以就隨便貼大家隨便看^^ The temperature rises, the shorts come out, ice cream becomes a staple of the diet, and basketball takes a hiatus for four months. That is, everywhere but at the Kings’ practice facility, where hoops reign supreme even during the hot summer. With the Monarchs’ season going strong and several of the Kings still in town working out, the practice facility stays busy throughout the year, as players hone their skills and work to get in better shape. Two players in particular who have been regulars at the facility are Mike Bibby and Bobby Jackson. The two backcourt mates have worked out non-stop since the season ended in late May and look like they’re ready to start the 82-game grind tomorrow. Bibby in particular has added muscle to his frame and is in tip-top shape. Peja Stojakovic was also a regular at the facility before he headed back to Yugoslavia for the summer, as was Mateen Cleaves. Chris Webber has even made a cameo in the weight room despite just coming off knee surgery. CWebb was spotted working on his upper body this past week, proving that it’s never too early to start preparing for next season. 氣溫升高,人們都換上短褲,冰淇淋變成飲食的必需品,籃球將在此時休息四個月。 到處都如此,除了國王的練習設備。即使在炎熱的夏天都還是都在使用中。隨著國王的王 朝越來越大,一些球員們還是留下來努力。球員們磨練著技巧和保持良好體格,一整年都 有人在使用練習設備。 特別是M.BIBBY和BOBBY J.,他們是這裡的常客。 球季在五月一結束,他們就開始不停的練習,如同明天就要開始82場比賽的磨練。特別是 BIBBY,他為自己增加些肌肉,並且保持在最良好的狀態。(可愛的BB加油啊!!^^) Peja回南斯拉夫之前也常來這,Cleaves也是。儘管Webber該動完膝手術,他有時也會出現 在重量訓練室。 在上星期,Webber在練他的上半身,證明著開始為下個球季最準備,是永遠不嫌早的。 後面還有一些,可是好像更無關緊要了 有興趣可以去看看 資料來源 -- 其實我...有私心 因為我想養一隻不會死掉的小雞(我已經死掉六隻了) 所以只好貼小文賺錢...原諒我吧>< --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ SkingS:Divac怎麼都不去練-.- 推 06/28
2F:→ wonderkid:vsmile兄繼續多翻 我就幫忙提供你ptt幣:) 推 06/28
3F:→ momorabbit:vsmile是女的@@~ 推 06/28
4F:→ wonderkid:唔...我不知道 不知者無罪:D (逃) 推 06/29
5F:→ vsmile:謝謝鼓勵,希望可以越翻越好,小雞我來了~ 推 06/29

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