Kings 板


From ESPN Insider. Really feel pity for those subscribers. 基本上完全是參考了 Voisin 的 "個人觀點" 後加油添醋而成。 參考價值極低。 並且根據過往的經驗顯示,Geoff Petrie 永遠都能完成媒體記者 們完全猜不到的交易。 另外,老闆之一的 Gavin Maloof 今天在接受電台訪問時指出球隊 陣容目前只需要很小幅度的調整 (minor tweaking)。 The pain still hasn't worn off in Sacramento, after losing Game 7 to the Mavs last weekend. For years the Kings have been taking baby steps toward a title. Last year's seven-game Western Conference Finals series with the Lakers was supposed to be evidence that the team had finally arrived. But a plethora of injuries this season actually forced the Kings to take a step back. With ultra-aggressive owners the Maloof brothers, and one of the NBA's top executives, Geoff Petrie, at the helm, will the Kings shake things up again this summer? "We can't panic," said Kings co-owner Joe Maloof told the Sacramento Bee. "But the whole season was a little weird, with all the injuries. There have to be adjustments, and I don't know what they are yet. Geoff (Petrie) will know what to do." Petrie is probably nowhere near ready to decide what has to happen in Sacramento this summer, but a few tidbits are trickling out here or there. The Kings are hoping that either Keon Clark opts out of his contract this season or that they can trade him this summer if he decides to stay another year. Clark, who was once considered a top-notch hire, didn't pan out toward the end of the season. He was supposed to provide the team with another legit low-post option on offense, and shot blocking and rebounding on defense. He didn't do much of either. It's unlikely that Clark will opt out. He didn't do enough to improve his value, but a trade may work for both sides. Several teams, including the Blazers (no surprise there), Knicks, 76ers, Sonics and Pacers have expressed interest. The Kings aren't going to get an all-star in return, but Clark does have some value. If Antonio McDyess gets a clean bill of health, a Clark-for-Kurt Thomas trade could make a lot of sense. The team also has to decide what to about Jim Jackson and Hedo Turkoglu. Clearly, coach Rick Adelman favored Jackson this season. If the team decides to re-sign him this summer, it needs to move Turkoglu while he still has value. Turkoglu becomes a restricted free agent at the end of next season and has already been sending signals to the Kings that he wants out. The Pistons, Bulls, and Nuggets have all shown interest in Turkoglu. Both the Pistons, Nuggets and Bulls all have lottery picks they might be willing to part with (provided they're not in the top 3) in return for Turkoglu. Either way the Kings' changes will probably be minor. Long term, they have to begin thinking about a replacement for Vlade Divac. He's 35 and, given his offseason work habits, won't last much longer. That's why grabbing a top pick and nabbing someone like Chris Kaman may make some sense. --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: pistonJW 來自: (05/22 18:33)
1F:→ Hoplite:手槍退伍愉快啊... :) 推 05/22
2F:→ evilwebb:喔喔~~我要Thomas 推 05/22
3F:→ panvc:也許他離開Kings會有更好的發展..... 推 05/22
4F:→ panvc:不過還是挺希望國王隊不要拆夥..... 推 05/22
5F:→ sixerskojiro:天啊 超級大大 <(_ _)> 推 05/23
6F:→ nettogrof:天啊 我沒拜真是惶恐至極 <(_ _)> 推 05/26

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