作者f94 (→罪ㄞˋ 仁甫a婷←)
標題[大師] 非常簡單的介紹生質柴油
時間Mon Dec 10 12:43:17 2007
標題 Biodiesel
Biodiesel is made by vegetable oil or animal fat. Traditional diesel
Is made by fossil fuels
標題 Benefits for using Biodiesel
1: It provides a market for excess production vegetable and animal fats
2: It decrease, although will not eliminate, the country’s dependence on imported petroleum
3: Biodiesel is renewable and does not contribute to global warming due to its closed carbon cycle. A life cycle analysis of Biodisel showed that overall toxic gas emissions were reduced by 78% compared with petroleum-based diesel fuel.
4: When added to regular fuel in an amount equal to 1~2%, It can be convert fuel with poor Iubricating properties, such as modern ultra-low-sulfer diesel fuel, into an acceptable fuel.
標題 Biodiesel produce
Biodiesel is produced by transesterifiction reaction.
標題 How to do it in laboratory
1: Add NaOH to Methol and dissolve completely(PS: You have to use CSTR (continuous stirred-tank reactors) because it is for a long time).
2: Add material (vegetable oil or animalfat) to Methol solution.
3: Stirrer in the temperature you like (313K~353K) the temperature higher the reaction rate quicker you get
4:Percolating the solution and put the solution you do in the separating funnel and set free it 12~24 hours
5: Use many separating methods to separate solution. (there are many compounds and elements in it but we only need Biodiesel)
標題 Main issues
1: Soup and water is too much.
2: Separate solution is very hard.
3: Make quantitative to product is very hard and slow.
4: There are many unknown substance in waste cooking oil.
5: Vegetable oil and animal fats are more expensive than petroleum.
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