171009 FB factinstar [中秋精選]撒嬌專刊 (倒數2:45秒開始) (別團成員省略) #KARD #J.Seph (影片) https://www.facebook.com/factinstar/videos/296317214108957/ 171010 IG & Twitter touravatar & TourAvatar [1] They are back!The 3rd Part-time Avatars are @KARD_Official 's BM and J.seph! We're going to be heading to Jeollabuk-do Province, so get excited[心] #KARD #TourAvatar #HolaHola #KARD #BM#JSEPH #Jeollabukdo #PartTimeAvatars#ChefWonil #Bearvatar #Wanderlust#Travels #Memories (影片) https://www.instagram.com/p/BaD2SQsDFU9/?taken-by=touravatar https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/917664287732072448 [2] Twitter SubKultureEnt What a great end to #WILDKARDinUSA PT. 2! Thank you to all who came to #WILDKARDinSF & all the other stops Who else is having #PCD? [哭] (轉推KARD官推貼文) https://twitter.com/SubKultureEnt/status/917800693158731776 171012 IG & Twitter Touravatar & TourAvatar [1] Catch our Facebook Live with @KARD_Official right now! LINK:https://www.facebook.com/TourAvatar/ https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918267710076624896 [2] Hello Avatar Masters Your 3rd Part-time Avatars @KARD_Official 's BM and J.seph have arrived in Jeollabuk-do Province! https://imgur.com/qPEw2Ul - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #JSEPH #Jeollabukdo #Province #Gochang #Wanderlust https://www.instagram.com/p/BaIV-sWDbc5/?taken-by=touravatar https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918294973165867009 [3] So good to have these boys back again! @KARD_Official https://imgur.com/NNYI2Y1 https://imgur.com/Gnl5Bbk - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #JSEPH #Jeollabukdo #Province #PartTimeAvatars #Selfie https://www.instagram.com/p/BaIcJN1j62P/?taken-by=touravatar https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918308503994777600 [4] The @KARD_Official boys are captivated by the cows of Sangha Farm! Oh and J.seph says he is well educated about cows apparently[乳牛] (影片) - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #JSEPH #Jeollabukdo #Province #Sangha #Farm #Gochang https://www.instagram.com/p/BaIcxfbDKDp/?taken-by=touravatar https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918311927838687232 [5] Season 2 baby! The Avatars are at the filming spot for the drama 'Goblin' which is destiny because they went to another 'Goblin' filming spot in Season 1![紫心]@KARD_Official https://imgur.com/mdWZ9zX - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #JSEPH #ChefWonil #Jeollabukdo #Province #Goblin https://www.instagram.com/p/BaI5jwWDd1F/?taken-by=touravatar https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918373225167405056 [6] Dun dun dun~[流口水] And if you also wanna know what happened to our Part-time Avatars, don't forget to tune in![笑] @KARD_Official https://imgur.com/WhxTRlt - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #JSEPH #Buan #CineThemePark #Teehee #Jeollabukdo #Province https://www.instagram.com/p/BaJCchED8XP/?taken-by=touravatar https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918392681813831680 [7] Sneak peek of the action the Avatars got at Buan Cine Theme Park! Who knew VR could be so terrifying (影片) - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #ChefWonil #Jeollabukdo #Province #Buan #CineThemePark #VR #VirtualReality #Rollercoaster https://www.instagram.com/p/BaJDMG5DO_c/?taken-by=touravatar https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918395004808183808 [8] YUMMMM[吐舌] The Avatars are eating Hanjeongsik (Korean one table meal) for dinner! Doesn't it look delicious? The Odi&Ppong (types of mulberry) side dishes are famous in the Buan region! https://imgur.com/NCSlk5l - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #JSEPH #ChefWonil #Korean #CourseMeal #Hanjeongsik #Foodie https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918419634923102208 171013 IG & Twitter Touravatar & TourAvatar [1] Good morning Avatar Masters[紫心] The Avatars were doing their morning exercise(?) a while ago... (影片) - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #JSEPH #ChefWonil #Gimje #Geumsansa #Temple #Morning #Exercise https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918653701312602112 [2] The weather is amazing today :) The Avatars are at the Archaeological site of Wanggung-ri! It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site[臉紅微笑] https://imgur.com/Ah8OdI1 - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #JSEPH #ChefWonil #Wanggungri #UNESCO #WorldHeritageSite https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918671517361192960 [3] The Avatars are going to make bracelets! A random fan who participates in our Facebook live will be chosen and sent the bracelet made by our Avatars so tune in! (影片) https://www.facebook.com/TourAvatar/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BaLND0mjo6Z/?taken-by=touravatar https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918697975257341953 [4] The Avatars went to the Iksan Jewelry Museum[鑽石]Iksan is famous for jewels and as you can see from the Avatars' faces, they are fascinated[笑] https://imgur.com/laqbZDT - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #JSEPH #ChefWonil #Iksan #Jewelry #Museum https://www.instagram.com/p/BaLcAewhREh/?taken-by=touravatar https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918730405317984262 [5] The Avatars tried Hongeo Samhap (fermented skate dish)! It's known for its strong ammonia odor as you can see from @KARD_Official BM's face/reaction [笑] (影片) - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #Hongeo #FermentedSkate #Foodie https://www.instagram.com/p/BaL6FBFjCVx/?taken-by=touravatar https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918797818596270081 [6] The last stop of the trip was the Pinwheel Village in Iksan! The Avatars took a bunch of photos on the Pinwheel road to wrap up their trip :) Here are some of Chef @wonillee 's photoshe[紫心] https://imgur.com/rDfw6lJ https://imgur.com/V30gjPE - #TourAvatar #Jeollabukdo #Province #ChefWonil #Iksan #Pinwheel #Village #Selfie https://www.instagram.com/p/BaMOAswDIGd/?taken-by=touravatar [7] The last stop of the trip was the Pinwheel Village in Iksan! The Avatars took a bunch of photos on the Pinwheel road to wrap up their trip :) Here are some of @j.seph_ 's photos[紫心] https://imgur.com/3lXmG4A https://imgur.com/tkAYCa4 https://imgur.com/Ouv6kWp - #TourAvatar #Jeollabukdo #Province #KARD #JSEPH #Iksan #Pinwheel #Village #Selfie https://www.instagram.com/p/BaMOf6ODayn/?taken-by=touravatar [8] The last stop of the trip was the Pinwheel Village in Iksan! The Avatars took a bunch of photos on the Pinwheel road to wrap up their trip :) Here are some of @bigmatthewww 's photos[紫心] https://imgur.com/g4pxIdx https://imgur.com/MchFkVu https://imgur.com/ZcDq5JU - #TourAvatar #Jeollabukdo #Province #KARD #BM #Iksan #Pinwheel #Village #Selfie https://www.instagram.com/p/BaMPUbmDsiO/?taken-by=touravatar [9] Thanks to our 3rd Part-time Avatars@bigmatthewww and @j.seph_/@KARD_Official for another great trip,thanks to our Avatar Masters for sticking with us, and thanks to our lovable @wonillee/Bear-vatar as always[紫心] Jeollabuk-do Province is a wrap! (IG還有一段影片) https://imgur.com/lNptFem - #TourAvatar #KARD #BM #JSEPH #ChefWonil #Wanderlust https://www.instagram.com/p/BaMQBppjlt3/?taken-by=touravatar https://twitter.com/TourAvatar/status/918845151149113344 -- J.Seph ♠ So Min ♥ KARD ♦ Ji Woo ♣ BM --

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※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/KARD/M.1508052361.A.292.html

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