標 題Re: [順便購] So Excited 單曲 進度回報
發信站機械工廠 (Fri Apr 20 20:45:48 2007)
如果真的還有人要,ebay上是Cd2 9.98 美金,有七張現貨不含運費。
We regret to inform you that all of the items in your order are deleted.
This means that the product is out of print or has been deleted by the
publisher and can no longer be obtained. The product may be re-issued
in the future.
We apologise for any disappointment this may have caused.
Your order was for:
4 Janet Jackson "So Excited" CD Single Deleted
4 Janet Jackson "So Excited (Maxi) (Enhanced) (European Import)"
CD Single Deleted
Thank you for your order. We're sorry that we could not help you this time
but we look forward to being of assistance in the future.
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