JPliterature 板


在這個版潛水多年,終於也有人注意到春與修羅了,感動之餘 就把英文版的也PO上來讓大家共享囉。 ^^ The phenomenon called I Is a single green illumination Of a presupposed organic alternating current lamp (a composite body of each and every transparent spectre) The single illumination Of karma's alternating current lamp Remains alight without fail Flickering unceasingly , restlessly Together with the sights of the land and all else (the light is preserved...the lamp itself is lost) These poems are a mental sketch as formed Passage by passage of light and shade Maintained and preserved to this point Brought together in paper and mineral ink From the directions sensed as past For these twenty-two months (the totality flickers in time with me all sensing all that I sense coincidentally) As a result people and galaxies and Ashura and sea urchins Will think up new ontological proofs as they see them Consuming their cosmic dust...and breathing in salt water and air In the end all of these make up a landscape of the heart I assure you , however , that the scenes recorded here Are scenes recorded solely in their natural state And if it is nihil then it is nothing but nihil And that the totality is common in degree to all of us (just as everything forms what is the sum in me so do all parts become the sum of everything) These words were meant to be transcribed faithfully Within a monstrous accumulation in the brightness of time In the confines of the present geological era Yet they have gone ahead and altered their construct and quality (or alternatively a billon years of Ashura) Now it is possible that both the printer and I Have been sharing a certain turn of mind Causing us to sense these as unaltered In all probability just as we aware of our own sense organs And of scenery and of people's individuality through feeling And just as what is is but what we sense in common So it is that documents and history...or the earth's past As well as these various data Are nothing but what we have become conscious of (at the root of the karmic covenant of spacetime) For all I know in two thousand years from now A much different geology will be diverted With fitting proofs revealed one after another from the past And everyone will surmise that some two thousand years before The blue sky was awash with colorless peacocks And rising scholars will excavate superb fossils From regions glittering of iced nitrogen In the very upper reaches of the atmosphere Or they might just stumble Upon the giant footsteps of translucent man In a stratification plane of Cretaceous sandstone The propositions that you have before you are without exception Asserted within the confines of a four dimension continuum As the nature of the mental state and time in themselves. -- 我沈溺。 沈溺思考,沈溺下雨,沈溺我與筆。 沈溺於沈溺之前的虛弱,沈溺於沈溺之後的甦醒。 沈溺黑暗,沈溺光明,沈溺貓與妳 --

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