作者mrkey (╮(╯◇╰)╭)
標題[分享] 和WLM相容的MSG Plus
時間Sat Jun 24 22:21:52 2006
"Because of the new direction taken by Microsoft,
Messenger Plus! was also completely redesigned.
It took 8 months of full time work but your favorite
add-on is now ready to go public as well.
The new version of Messenger Plus! (4.00),
distributed under the name "Messenger Plus! Live",
will be officially released this
Saturday, June 24th, at 23:40 GMT.
The new web site will also be put online at the same time,
and a last post on this site will be made to start the transition period.
These are exciting days for anybody interested in
Microsoft's Messenger clients and its surrounding communities,
make sure you don't miss any associated event!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ SDracula:今天晚上不要睡就可以更新啦( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ 06/24 22:43
2F:推 min27:台灣時間應該要再加8個小時 06/24 23:24
3F:推 tylu:明天早上 7.40 早點起來裝 :P 06/25 00:07
4F:推 Herodotus:繁中版嗎? 06/25 00:07