作者imkoyichun (momo)
標題[問題] N400面試改期
時間Sun Jun 11 10:41:54 2023
大家好,我是今年2/23送出N400,4月底回來台灣,5/23 Interview was scheduled,面試
話去要求改期,今天終於收到USCIS email回覆,如下:
On May 31, 2023, you or your representative contacted USCIS concerning your natu
ralization interview appointment.
Your case is now de-scheduled. However, we cannot hold your case open without s
cheduling until you come back in August. Therefore, your case will be administr
atively closed. You have one (1) year from the date of the administratively clo
sure to request for a reopen. when you return from your trip, please send a wri
tten request to the USCIS San Jose Field Office to reopen your case.
想請問administratively closed是否為case暫停的意思,reopen不會要我再交一次錢吧...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Immigration/M.1686451316.A.BEB.html
1F:推 koster: 一般面試延期不會要求指定日期 就是等他們下次通知 你說 06/11 11:50
2F:→ koster: 了你八月才回來 他們就只能把你的案子抽出來暫停 等你要 06/11 11:50
3F:→ koster: 求再重新送回排隊的案子中吧 06/11 11:50
4F:→ keanur: 不用再繳錢,看起來你的filed office case跑很快,他們才 06/11 14:06
5F:→ keanur: 無法為你客製化面試日期,所以reopen應該不會拖太久。 06/11 14:06
6F:→ imkoyichun: 感謝樓上兩位的回應 06/11 16:12
7F:→ hcktaiwan: 你離境四個月要留意計算連續住居,有些人提交申請符合 06/18 04:52
8F:→ hcktaiwan: 要求,但後來出境太久,到了面試當天在推算,結果天數 06/18 04:53
9F:→ hcktaiwan: 不夠。 06/18 04:53