IU 板


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原文網址:http://music.bugs.co.kr/album/314174?wl_ref=new_ab ----------------------- 中文翻譯: 故事背景是在一個工房裡,這是IU的爺爺留給她的。 工房裡還有個男的沉睡,是準備替IU接管這個工房的人。IU成年後離開的時候,他會醒來 。(是IU的爺爺這麼安排的) 知道這個事實的IU,細心照料這個男的。 有一天乘坐工房裡的迷你火車,開始了時空旅行,但只能看到火車視窗的未來影像,IU知 道了他是未來自己的男朋友。 為了更快和他的見面,IU努力研究發明時間機器,想到未來見到正沉睡的他。 IU成年的同時完成的時間機器,她終於能乘時間機器,開始時空旅行。 在這時醒來的他,只看到了剛離開不久的IU的影像。 怎麼辦?他們還能見面嗎? 來源:李知恩中國後援會 ----------------------- 英文翻譯: The MV for the title track of IU's 2nd regular album, 'You and I' was produced by Hwang Soo-Ah. The same producer was also involved in IU's MVs for 'Good Day' and 'The Story Only I Didn't Know'. The MV for 'You and I' is about a girl who steps into a time machine and goes on a time travel to meet her boyfriend of the future, and has IU and actor Lee Hyun Woo as the female and male leads respectively. Inside the clock tower, is a 19 year old girl who stays in an empty room inherited from her grandfather. In the empty room, is also a boy who has fallen into a deep slumber as if time has stopped. Her grandfather has designed him so that he would open his eyes and wake up once she becomes an adult. She takes care of him meticulously. Upon finding out the truth of the matter, she concentrates on finding a way to make time pass faster. Inside the empty room, is a toy train constantly on the go. Staring at the train, the girl then enters the train and looks out of the train windows to see images of the future. In those images, she sees herself together with the boy. Upon seeing her future, the girl is intent on making something even larger than the clocks to hurry time. She decides to builld a time machine to allow her to travel to the future. By taking this time machine, she wishes to make time pass faster to meet the boy of the future. On the day that the girl becomes an adult, the time machine is finally complete. Nervously, she steps into the time machine and begins to travel to the future. At that moment, the boy wakes up, but the girl has already travelled to the future.. all he sees is the image of the girl just before she leaves. Would the two of them ever meet again..? The 'You and I' MV, which features the fresh and thrilling acting of IU and Lee Hyunwoo (both born in 1993), makes perfect use of a mysterious yet peculiar concept of a time travel fantasy story seen through the eyes of a 19 year old girl. Hwang Soo-Ah, whose MVs are well-received, hopes to present an episode from a fantasy movie through the 'You and I' MV. Translation: squishyblob @ weheartiu Source: Official LOEN album introduction --

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1F:推 canonring151:糟糕我還是看不太懂 11/30 00:13
2F:推 ken0062 :所以結局是? 11/30 00:18
3F:→ fionac8133 :官方劇情似乎就只到這樣... 11/30 00:25
4F:推 ddrdod :不要說結局,我連MV劇情都還霧沙沙 ( ̄ー ̄;) 11/30 00:51
5F:推 ne3zoders :好妙的解說喔 跟我想的有點出入說XDD 11/30 01:05
6F:推 yoosulove :我怎麼覺得英文寫得比較清楚 中文看不懂.... 11/30 08:00
7F:推 bobo7788 :劇情很Fantasy... 11/30 08:00
8F:推 canonring151:恩看英文比較懂~結局就在未來他們還是成功見面了吧 11/30 09:57
9F:推 squallting :MV最後就相見了阿 只是有沒有認出來的問題而已 11/30 11:08
10F:推 bobo7788 :鏡頭收在那隻鵝會不會特別的意義 11/30 11:10
11F:推 ugishot :IU會變成鵝嗎?(開始亂講哈哈哈)好喜歡這支MV! 11/30 11:13
12F:推 ken0062 :說不定會有上下集? 11/30 11:14
13F:推 jojo87 :韓國MV很多都劇情霧沙沙 或結局自己想像讓人討論嘛XD 11/30 11:50
14F:推 flypeach :不懂 既然IU知道她成年後男生會醒來 幹嘛還要在成 11/30 21:46
15F:→ flypeach :年那一天旅行到未來@@ 11/30 21:47
16F:推 CjWmC :不對 是IU成年後"離開" 男生會醒來 這是爺爺的設定 11/30 21:54
17F:推 g0820413 :應該是說 IU眼前只有時光機器的D DAY 而啟動的瞬間 12/01 01:20
18F:→ g0820413 :正好成年@@ 悲劇=口= 好險未來相遇了XD 12/01 01:20
19F:→ g0820413 :英文是說IU成年瞬間 男生就會起來~ 12/01 01:23
20F:→ g0820413 :所以中文的成年後離開 有點誤導感覺 12/01 01:24
21F:→ g0820413 :以上小弟個人感覺 大家多多討論一下吧^^ 12/01 01:26
22F:→ jamieee520 :我的看法是:iu先進了時光機、啟動後產生作用了、 12/01 20:16
23F:→ jamieee520 :於是時間跟者加快 男的於是才能夠醒來 ~大家來討論~ 12/01 20:19
24F:→ jamieee520 :或許是二難 不用時光機就必須等 進了時光機卻要分開 12/01 20:23
25F:推 flypeach :對阿 英文版是說IU成年男生就會醒 和離開無關吧.. 12/01 21:03
26F:→ flypeach :啟動那天IU成年 男生本來就會醒來 也不用加快時間阿 12/01 21:06
27F:推 leo770319 :應該是她不知道這件事就進了時光機了吧 12/03 01:45

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