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因為阿六仔亂寫,我去找了原始新聞。 (我很討厭不懂包容的阿六仔亂寫新聞。蠻多聽重金屬的也會聽KPOP,本人就是其中 之一謝謝。) http://www.allkpop.com/2011/02/ius-uncle-fans-create-an-iu-anthem原始出處 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn7swmpJsQo&feature=player_embedded原始水管
IU’s ‘uncle fans’ create an ‘IU anthem’! IU的大叔粉絲創造了IU 聖歌! Singer IU has been enjoying immense popularity, but she’s been the reigning princess amongst a particular Korean demographic of 18-30 male fans, also known as the “uncle fans“. In an interview, she guessed that it was probably her cute, “girl next door image” that started the craze. 歌手IU享有廣大的名氣之餘,但她特別在韓國人口18-30男粉絲中為統治其心的小公主, 而這些粉絲為已知的"大叔飯"。在新聞採訪中,猜測可能因為她可愛,如"鄰家女孩" 而引發一陣狂熱。 We’ve recently come across a special song created and mixed by these IU devotees, which seems to best embody their obsession with IU. This Metallica-inspired theme song carrie intense guitar riffs, rockin’ drums, and a hysterical chorus where they scream “IU” repeatedly. One line sums it up the best: “Women like TVXQ, we like IU!” 近來我們偶然聽到這首由IU迷所錄製和混音的歌,具體的表現他們深深為IU所著迷 這首Metallica-inspired話題歌曲(Metallica-inspired好像沒精準的字詞可以形容 ,意思是編曲很像Metallica的音樂,可能是從某首歌改編的or有Metallica的風格), 有著強烈的吉他riff(重複樂段,通常是一首歌常出現的趁趁趁和弦樂段。),搖滾的 鼓點,和當他們重複嘶吼"IU",之歇斯底里的合聲。以及一段最佳的歌詞:女人愛 東方神起,我們愛IU。 The lyrics read: 歌詞這麼寫的(有中文字幕版我就不翻了,但是團名如原文推文所述,有一團打錯了。) Metallica!! Megadeth!! Anthrax!! Slayer!! IU is greater than you!! 藍色為BIG 4,只要是金屬頭不可能沒聽過他們的名字。尤其是這兩年常上頭條。 Heavy metal!! LA metal!! Death metal!! Fusion jazz!! Charlie Parker!! Hardcore!! We don’t need that!! In the past it was Metallica! Now it’s IU! Girls like TVXQ! We like IU!! The trend is IU!! In the future IU!! IU forever!! IU is the truth!! IU!!!!!!!! I love you!! IU!!!!!!!! I love you today!! IU!!!!!!!! I love you now!! IU!!!!!!!! I love you forever!! IU! IU! IU! IU!!!!!!!! Meet me just once!! IU!!!!!!!!Don’t be scared!! IU!!!!!!!! Give me your autograph! IU!!!!!!!! x10 Netizens have been commenting, “It’s a huge hit. We acknowledge their passion for IU“, “They have to be in their 30s. No way could they be in their 20s”, and “The song is rough but cool. These guys are awesome.” 網路鄉民這麼討論著"這首歌紅透半邊天,我們感受到他們對於IU的熱情。""他們 只做屬於他們30代的戰鬥應援,不可能做如20代的般的應援行為。"以及"這首歌很粗 硬,但是很酷。大叔飯很棒!" What do you think about this IU anthem? 你覺得IU聖歌如何的了? -- 朴奎利 韓勝妍 鄭龍珠 具荷拉 姜智英 GYURI SEUNGYEON NICOLE HARA JIYOUNG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM-awBSi09s When KARA CRY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeIqQiveoTM Jumping Live
2007.3.29- KARA Forever 無論多少風雨.... --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 bjp4k6 :IU Forever (哈姆Fighting 02/25 03:51
2F:推 Carpenter33 :推一個 用心 (智英Fighting! 02/25 11:14
3F:推 jack91502 :辛苦了 (龍珠Fighting 02/25 12:46
4F:推 wondergirls :感謝指正~ 已修正~ (女神Fighting 02/25 13:14
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