Hi台灣朋友大家好! 我是Jeffrey Maughan,英國人, 擁有政治碩士學位於紐卡索大學, 我曾經在英國工黨工作, 並且曾在英國內政部擔任助理, 因此我擁有許多制定政策, 書寫 報告的經驗。 目前, 我定時幫一位台灣博士生修訂英文論文, 因此我能夠大致上了解台 灣人寫英文的邏輯。 我提供的校訂與編輯服務包含人文社會科學 (國際關係, 經濟, 地理, 都市規劃與政治, 歷史, 英文與英文文學, 哲學)的論文、SOP、CV、Cover letter等等。 此外,我也可以提供其他領域相關的服務。 我的服務能夠讓你的英文表達更自然,減少溝通障礙。 服務範圍包含: 基本的修訂服務確認拼音, 文法, 標點符號. 檢查英文正確性 (英式英文或美式英文) 確保學術英文的恰當性與流暢度 確保reference格式正確 標記英文語意不清之處 (我也能夠依客制化提出不同的修訂編輯服務, 請與我聯繫) 基本上你能夠在48小時之內取得你的文件, 如果你的文件字數小於一萬字, 如果你的文件 字數大於一萬字, 我可以保證大約在一個星期之內完成校訂服務。 費用計算從1000字10鎊(390元台幣)起跳, 依照文件的內容有所微幅調整。 請連絡我並說 明你需要的服務 (含預期取回的時間, 簡單說明文件主旨), 金額估算, 預計完成修訂服 務的日期與付款方式將會在回覆信件中說明。 有興趣的朋友們,請將你們的需求寄信給我: [email protected] 基本上,我會在24小時內回信。 謝謝! 祝大家申請順利、學業順利! Jeffrey Maughan 英文說明如下: My name is Jeff Maughan. I can help you achieve success in your BA, MA or Phd research papers, dissertations, theses and funding applications. My proofreading services are focused on (but not limited to) subjects in the Social Sciences (e.g political science, international relations, economics, geography and urban planning) and Humanities (e.g History, Philosophy, English Literature and English Language. I can also proofread other documents on request. I hold an MA in Politics with distinction from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. After graduating I worked for the Labour Party from 2005-7. I then worked for a public affairs consultancy before becoming a parliamentary assistant to a UK government minister. As a native English speaker, I can improve the quality of your written English, helping you communicate what you really mean to say to your audience. My services range from: ‧ A basic Proofreading service to ensure correct spelling, grammar and punctuation ‧ Checking for correct use of UK (or US) English ‧ Ensuring a proper and consistent academic style ‧ Ensuring references and footnotes are in the proper format ‧ Highlighting aspects of your work that might need further research or clarification and suggest possible changes to the text Normally I will able to get your work back within 48 hours if your work is less than 10,000 words. If you work is more than 10,000 words I can guarantee a turnaround of around a week. If you require a faster turnaround, I can offer an enhanced service at an additional cost. Fees start at £10 per thousand words. Please contact me at [email protected] with a description of your needs for a more detailed estimate. --

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