也是剛考完,來補充一下。 ※ 引述《machinly (兩個人的溫度)》之銘言: : 因為考場就在家裡走路十分鐘就可到的距離 : 分享一下還記得的考題 : Listening : 糟糕打完才發覺忘的差不多了(被毆) : 我只記得最後一個section是有關調查報告的 Section 1 Airline's customer complaint 原則上就是包含: 1. 顧客資料 (聽跟寫不夠快,電話號碼感覺應該有少一位數orz) 2. Complaint 內容 3. Praise Section 2 Travel Fair的記者會 前半段:Fair歷史介紹 後半段:給一個地圖,標示ABCDEFG跟展場的攤位配對。 Section 3 也忘了@@ Section 4 歷史文物出土的相關報告 題目包含: 有三個出土的site,分別內容跟作用, 第三個記得比較清楚,是垃圾場,有哪些東西被找到,其中一格是填Europoean Pottery : Reading : Paragraph 1 Stepwell : F/T/NG : NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS : Fill the blank (the different stepwells) 這篇是India的Stepwall的介紹, 前面介紹Stepwall,跟集水有關, 有列出三個地方 Rajasthan, Gujarat跟New Delhi。 接下來說Stepwall有幾個主要的功用,包含當做聚會所。 後面提到幾個代表性的Stepwall,然後有個比較表, 表內有空格,要把各Stepwall的特色填上去。 : Paragraph 2 birth order really matters? : Heading : Matching (Scientist to what they said/believe) : Summary of article 家裡的老大有沒有比較厲害,印象比較深刻是第二段有學者說他是家中排行中間的, 所以不是這樣XDD 然後各段落分別說明個現象可能原因跟幾個學者做的研究調查。 : Paragraph 3 ....(主題忘記) : Y/N/NG : Multiple choice : Heading 一樣忘記了@@ : Writing : task 1: four occupations in one town, give the percentage of men and women : in 1990, 2000, 2010. Describe the the table. : task 2: responsible tourist: perserving the local culture and environment. : how do you think? : Speaking : Describe yourself. : Live in a house or department? what kind of room type? : Who is the main person to cook in your home? : Is the cooking program popular in Taiwan? : Do you want to attend any cooking lessons? Why? : Describe a film/TV programs can make you laugh. : Do you agree sense of humor can make the relationship closer? Why? : Is children easier laugh than adults? Why? : Can we use funny things to teach children in classroom? 我的Speaking: Section 1 Do you work or study? What is your position? Section 2 Describe a successful family business What the company is? How you know the company? Who is its customers? (類似這樣的問題) 被喊停後加問的 Do you think the company will be successful in the future? Section 3 (承Section 2) What do you think the advantage and the disadvantage of a family business? Do you like to work in a big campany or a small company? --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: ranal 來自: (12/07 22:18)
1F:推 kimen:你們好力害!我都忘了 12/07 22:59

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