作者mydreamcome (*緣盡情未了*)
標題[代po] 戴爾美語:雅思閱讀解題秘訣要領(tips)
時間Thu Sep 12 17:13:59 2013
*板主代為張貼IELTS-Reading 解題秘訣要領(tips)資訊,如下所示:
戴爾美語練功坊 雅思閱讀解析(8/30日)
IELTS-Reading 解題秘訣要領(tips)
Tip 1: 審視題幹 (scrutinize statements of questions) --- 審慎閱讀問題之
陳述, 理解題目所要求之目的.
Tip 2: 搜索關鍵字詞 (search for key words) --- 掌握題幹中所提示之
訊息, 並搜索題目之關鍵核心字詞(key words/ phrases).
Tip 3: 關鍵字詞轉換改寫 (paraphrasing) --- 將已探尋得之關鍵字詞
進行同義(synonym) 或近義轉換改寫.
Tip 4: 定位 (positioning / locating) --- 回溯關鍵詞所在之原文進行定位.
Tip 5: 判讀與分析(Judgment / Analysis) --- 慎思與通透明瞭句中之
論述, 並善用字裡行間之訊息傳遞, 俾以判斷並比對與選項之吻合度.
The oils, called turpenes, slowly permeate out of the amber.
This second stage may take millions of years before the process turns the
copal into something approaching the structure of amber. It is speculated
that either one or both of these stages in the formation of amber must
take place in an anaerobic environment or it may have to sustain a period
of immersion in sea water. Amber which is exposed to air for several
years undergoes oxidation which causes a distinct darkening and crusting
of the gem's surface producing over many years tiny splinters and shards.
Read the passage Amber - Frozen Moments in Time again and look at the
statements below.
TRUE --- if the statement accords with views in the text
FALSE --- if the statement contradicts the views in the text
NOT GIVEN --- if the information is not given in the text
1. Theorists claim that amber must be submerged at some points during
its formation process.
→ 搜索關鍵核心字詞 (key words)
→ must be submerged / formation
→ 改寫轉換 (paraphrasing)
→ submerge / immerse (同義)
→ 定位 (positioning / locating )
→ either one or both of these stages in the formation of amber must
take place in an anaerobic environment or it may have to sustain a period
of immersion in sea water.
→ 判讀比對
→ must (訊息絕對) 與 or (二者擇一) , 題目與原文之闡述互為矛盾.
→ 正確答案為 False .
1. immerse = submerge = soak (沉入/浸入) anaerobic (無氧的/
2. consistent (相符的/一致的) = concordant = corresponding
= correspondent = congruous = compatible
The link between the increase in farmed salmon and the decline in the
wild population is hotly disputed. Environmentalists claim that the increase
in farming has affected wild salmon and the sea environment in various
ways. Firstly it is claimed that the mass escapes of farmed fish present
a grave threat to the gene pool of wild salmon stocks. Escapees breed less su
ccessfully than wild salmon but the young of the escapees, known as
parr, breed aggressively and can produce four times more successfully
than their wild counterparts.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 2 on your answer sheet.
3. The connection between the increase in the salmon raised on fish
farms and the drop in the naturally raised salmon is fiercely___________.
→ 搜索關鍵核心字詞 (key words)
→ connection / increase / drop on the naturally raised / fiercely
→ 改寫轉換 (paraphrasing)
→ connection = link ; drop = decline ; naturally raised = wild ;
fiercely = hotly
→ 定位 (positioning / locating)
→ The link between the increase in farmed salmon and the decline in the
wild population is hotly disputed.
→ 判讀比對
→ 判讀訊息 fiercely = hotly
→ 正確答案為 disputed.
1. connection (關係) = link = association = bond
2. fierce (劇烈的/猛烈的) = violent = vehement = drastic = rampant
= furious = radical
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