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教宗想對波蘭信眾說…歡迎難民才能上天堂 (美聯社)聲援難民是天主教教宗方濟各對教會願景的重點,他將歡迎難民列為最後審判 日時想進天堂的人的一道潛在考驗。 (AP)Support for migrants is so central to Pope Francis' vision for the church that he has made welcoming them a potential test for those seeking entry to Heaven on Judgment Day. 教宗倡導難民權利,將在周三他於波蘭展開5天訪問時面臨一道外交考驗。波蘭的民粹主 義政府將大多數庇護尋求者摒於門外。 The pontiff's advocacy for refugee rights faces a diplomatic test Wednesday when he begins a five-day visit to Poland, where a populist government has slammed the door on most asylum-seekers. 方濟各將在克拉科夫瓦維爾山頂的千年城堡裡,會見波蘭總統杜達,鄰近的一座教堂是波 蘭數世紀以來國家英雄的安息地。其後教宗將與波蘭的主教舉行一項閉門的答問會。 Francis is scheduled to meet Polish President Andrzej Duda in Krakow's millennium-old castle atop Wawel Hill where, in the neighboring cathedral, Polish national heroes for centuries have been laid to rest. He then will hold a question-and-answer session with Poland's bishops behind closed doors. 教宗抵達前,波蘭內政部長布拉查克以法國國慶日尼斯發生自殺卡車屠殺84人的案件為例 ,迴護波蘭執政黨法律正義黨的反移民政策。布拉查克辯稱,這類的暴力是多元文化主義 的必然結果。 Ahead of the pope's arrival, Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Blaszczak defended the ruling Law and Justice party's opposition to immigration by citing the Bastille Day truck massacre of 84 people in Nice, France. Blaszczak argued that such violence was an inevitable consequence of multiculturalism. 教宗認為,不願或拒絕庇護有需要且新來的人,與聖經中好撒瑪利亞人的比喻相衝突,好 撒瑪利亞人對遇搶、受傷的陌生人伸出了援手。 The pope suggests that reluctance or refusal to shelter newcomers in need conflicts with the parable of the Good Samaritan, who offered aid to a robbed, wounded stranger. 本月初在聖伯多祿廣場,方濟各告訴信眾,最終,「我們都將根據做過的善事接受審判」 。 Addressing the faithful earlier this month in St. Peter's Square, Francis said that ultimately "we will be judged on the basis of works of mercy." 「上帝將可以對我們說:記得嗎?那麼多人想踢出去的那個難民,是我。」 "The Lord will be able to say to us: 'Do you remember? That migrant, who so many wanted to kick out, was me.'" 為能以身作則鼓勵信眾,方濟各今年4月探視希臘萊斯博斯島的難民營後,帶著12名敘利 亞人一起返回羅馬。數萬難民困在該島,他們通常是乘坐超載的船隻,從附近的土耳其險 象環生渡海而至。 Seeking to inspire by example, Francis in April brought 12 Syrians back with him to Rome after visiting a migrant camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, where tens of thousands were stranded after perilous crossings from nearby Turkey in often overcrowded boats. 波蘭評論家佐基威茨說,他預期教宗本周訪問時,會提及波蘭反對援助難民一事,因為「 這是教宗在歐洲的中心主題,這是一個歐洲的問題。」 A Polish commentator, Adam Szostkiewicz, said he expected the pope to raise Poland's opposition to aiding refugees during this week's visit because "this is the central theme of his pontificate in Europe. This is a European problem." http://a.udn.com/focus/2016/07/26/23462/index.html --

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※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/IA/M.1469548684.A.ACC.html
1F:推 u831208: 歡迎難民,難民會用刀槍炸藥讓你上天堂! 07/27 08:22
2F:推 udm: 一個宗教是歡迎難民可以上天堂,一個宗教是殺光別的宗教的人 07/27 08:24
3F:→ udm: 可以上天堂還有很多處女可以幹,結果就是.... 07/27 08:24
4F:→ udm: 歡迎進來殺光我家信徒的意思?? 07/27 08:25
5F:推 monarchist: 狗屁不通的昏庸教宗 07/27 08:47
6F:推 hazel0093: 這種口吻有點像在發贖罪券XD 07/27 12:21
7F:→ hazel0093: 例如說養一個在我家住,然後就被赦免這樣 07/27 12:22
8F:推 dr45jfga: 所以請問教宗,十字軍在天堂還是地獄? 07/27 13:50
9F:推 std92050: 教宗講那麼多屁話 是能解決什麼問題== 07/27 14:17
10F:→ hellwize: 其實就是用愛收容 不過教宗明顯知道愛的代價有多大 07/27 16:27
11F:→ hellwize: 老實說也沒錯 這的確才是根治恐怖主義的辦法 07/27 16:27
12F:推 chungrew: 教宗的看法十分的理想主義 07/27 16:49
13F:→ udm: 根治的辦法是教會那些人分辨邪教,教義不改變,永遠會生出以 07/27 18:33
14F:→ udm: 殺為目的的恐怖份子,任何手段他都認為在打壓他的宗教.... 07/27 18:34

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