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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1NYHlDn1 ] 作者: Cityfrighten (中二魯叔) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 南韓薩德導彈系統成為抗議地點 時間: Sat Jul 16 01:22:18 2016 1.媒體來源: 路透社 Reuters 2.完整新聞標題: ※ 標題沒有寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章 South Korea chooses site of THAAD U.S. missile system amid protests 3.完整新聞內文: ※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者退文,貼廣告也會被退文喔! South Korea announced on Wednesday the site where a U.S. THAAD anti-missile defense unit will be deployed against North Korea's missile and nuclear threats, a plan that has angered China and prompted a North Korean warning of retaliation. 週三南韓宣布美國薩德反導彈防禦系統部屬位置,此系統將防範北韓的飛彈與核子武器威脅 ,這個計畫不僅激怒了中國,且引起了北韓宣稱可能的報復。 South Korea and the United States said last Friday they had made a final decision to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system in the South. 在上週五,南韓與美國決定部屬THAAD系統於南韓南部。 Tension on the Korean peninsula has been high since North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test in January and followed that with a satellite launch and a string of test launches of various missiles. 自從一月北韓進行了第四次核子測試和後續的衛星發射與一系列的飛彈試射後,韓國半島 的情勢一直處於緊張狀態。 The South Korean Defence Ministry said the THAAD system would be deployed in the southeastern county of Seongju to maximize its effectiveness while minimizing any impact on residents and the environment. 為了將THAAD 系統的效率最大化同時對居民環境影響最小化,南韓國防部選擇將其系統部 屬於東南部的一個鄉鎮Seongju(星洲)。 "By operating the U.S. THAAD battery in Seongju, we will be able to better protect one half to two-thirds of our citizens from North Korean nuclear and missile threats," the ministry said in a statement. 南韓國防部長表示 "藉由使用在Seongju(星洲)的US THAAD 系統,我們將可以提供更好的防範, 讓約一半至2/3的公民免於北韓的核武與飛彈威脅。" "It will dramatically strengthen the military capabilities and readiness to defend critical national infrastructure such as nuclear power plants and oil storage facilities, as well as the military forces of the South Korea-U.S. alliance." "此項部屬將重點強化我軍保護重要國家基礎建設,如: 核電廠、儲油槽和南韓美軍聯 盟的部隊。" North Korea's military on Monday threatened to retaliate against the deployment of the system with a "physical response" once its location and time of installation were decided. 北韓軍方在周一表示在知道部屬地點跟時間後將會對其地點進行報復性行動。 South Korea's defense ministry has said it aims to have the system operational by the end of 2017. 南韓國防部表示其目標為使系統於2017年底運轉。 The decision to deploy THAAD is the latest move to squeeze the increasingly isolated North Korea, but China worries the system's radar will be able to track its military capabilities. Russia also opposes the deployment. 部屬THAAD系統的為的是防範漸漸更加孤立的北韓,但中國擔心其系統的雷搭將能追蹤其 軍事佈署。 俄羅斯也反對此系統的佈署。 South Korea and the United States have said THAAD will only be used in defense against North Korean ballistic missiles, but China has warned it would destabilize the regional security balance. 南韓與美國聲明THAAD將只會使用於防禦北韓的導彈系統,但中國警告此舉可能會造成區域 安全不穩。 THAAD is built by Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) and designed to defend against short- and medium-range ballistic missiles by intercepting them high in the atmosphere, or outside it. The United States already has a THAAD system on the island of Guam. THAAD系統是由Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N)建造,此設計藉由攔截飛彈於高大氣層或大 氣層外以防範短/中程飛彈系統。 美國已經將此系統安裝在關島。 Putting THAAD in Seongju would also allow for protection of major U.S. military installations in the South, while limiting the range of its radar's reach into China, South Korean media said. 南韓媒體表示,將THAAD系統安置於星洲將可保護主要美國在南韓的軍事設施同時限制其雷 達掃入中國的距離。 The United States has about 28,000 troops in South Korea. It will pay for the THAAD system. 美國在南韓約有28000名士官兵。且美國將支付THAAD系統的佈署。 PROTESTS 抗議行動 South Korean Finance Minister Yoo Il-ho told parliament the government was making contingency plans in case China took action in response to the deployment. 南韓經濟部長Yoo Il-ho向國會表示政府將會在佈署後對中國採取防範措施。 But he added: "I don't think there will be a major retaliatory action in terms of the economy." 但他也認為"我想應該也不會有經濟上嚴重的報復行動" In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang repeated China's opposition to THAAD. 在北京,中國外交部發言人Lu Kang再次聲明中國反對THAAD系統的立場。 "China will resolutely take the necessary steps to protect our reasonable interests," Lu added, without elaborating. Lu只說了"中國將會採取必要的措施以保護我們合理的利益" North Korea conducted its latest test of a submarine-launched ballistic missile a day after the announcement of the THAAD deployment, although it was seen as a failure. Earlier last week, the United States announced sanctions against North Korean leader Kim Jong Un over human rights abuses. 在公布THAAD系統佈署的後一天北韓進行了最近一次的潛艦彈道飛彈試射,雖然應該是一 個失敗的試射。 而這上週美國並因人權問題公布對北韓領導人Kim Jong Un個人的經濟制裁。 Recent media speculation about possible THAAD sites had fueled protests from residents, including those of Seongju. 近來媒體推測可能的THAAD系統安置地點助長了居民的抗議,包括星洲的居民。 The county's commissioner has been on a hunger strike against the deployment, county official Kim Jee-hyun said. 鄉公所官員Kim Jee-hyun表示當地鄉長已經對此佈署進行了絕食抗議。 A group of residents arrived at the Defence Ministry in Seoul on Wednesday to voice their opposition. 居民在周三也抵達首爾國防部發聲抗議。 Members of parliament raised questions about the possible health impact of the system's radar. The defense ministry had said it would choose a site that did not risk people's health. 國會議員也提出問題關於此系統雷達對健康的影響。 國防部官員表示將選擇一個地方不 會讓人民有健康風險。 Seongju residents are also worried that the deployment could damage the reputation of their melon crop, which Kim said accounted for 70 percent of the country's output. 星洲居民也擔心此佈署會損害他們西瓜作收的名聲,而Kim表示作收佔其鄉70%的 收入。 "Our farmers are in despair," she said. 她表示"我們的農民感到絕望" (Additional reporting by James Pearson, and Ben Blanchard in Beijing; Editing by Tony Munroe, Robert Birsel) 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): ※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊 http://goo.gl/s0DiAd 5.備註: ※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內超貼者水桶,請注意 恩.....怎麼台灣沒有THAAD? --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Gossiping/M.1468603341.A.C41.html
1F:推 bonfferoni: 嗯嗯 07/16 01:22
2F:→ jyekid: 台灣不用薩德啦 雄風就夠了 07/16 01:22
3F:→ PeterJackson: 無形鑲薩德 永不損壞 07/16 01:23
4F:→ jyekid: 步建這個就是要打中國臉 07/16 01:23
5F:→ Gallardo: 台灣有阿 福建那邊裝一堆飛彈都是要保護台灣的 07/16 01:23
6F:推 noreg0393933: 美國太可怕了,竟然派氪星將軍駐守南韓 07/16 01:24
7F:推 watashiD: ...美國出錢、被指會影響西瓜採收(? = =? 07/16 01:24
8F:→ all0pha765: 什麼叫做韓國半島????? 07/16 01:24
9F:噓 losel: ...... 台韓兩邊人都很像 飛彈跟西瓜有何關係 07/16 01:25
10F:推 nafullo: 薩德不是超稀有的嗎? 07/16 01:26
11F:→ DFTT: 薩德 這個名字好阿拉伯 07/16 01:26
※ 編輯: Cityfrighten (, 07/16/2016 01:36:24
12F:推 xisland: 一種土石流警報器妨礙種檳榔的概念 07/16 01:50
13F:推 ahahahahah: 有全世界最好的衛星定位系統,還是不能玩Pokemon go.. 07/16 01:56
14F:→ ahahahahah: .....幫QQ 07/16 01:56
15F:推 xisland: 因為薩德保護的是核電廠及軍營,設在當地等於向全南韓廣 07/16 01:58
16F:→ xisland: 告表示西瓜是種在核電廠旁邊的,反對者是在掩耳盜鈴 07/16 01:58
17F:→ xisland: 台北貢寮好像蠻多冬瓜田的XD 07/16 02:01
18F:推 xisland: 刁民不分種族的 07/16 02:06

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: CrestiaBell (, 07/16/2016 14:32:57

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