Holland 板


※ [本文轉錄自 StudyinNL 看板 #1CakZGfu ] 作者: neso (neso) 看板: StudyinNL 標題: [NESO] 藝術設計課程 時間: Fri Sep 17 12:04:16 2010 藝術設計課程 Arts, Design, Music and Dance schools in the Holland 1. Amsterdam School of the Arts (AHK): http://www.english.ahk.nl/en/ - -Academy of Fine Art in Education -- Conservatorium van Amsterdam -- Netherlands Film and Television Academy -- Theaterschool -- Reinwardt Academy -- Amsterdam Academy of Architecture 2. ArtEZ Institute of the Arts (AKI): www.artez.nl/English - -Dance - -Design: Architectural Design/ Spatial Design; Visual Communication - -Fine Arts: Sculpture; Photography; Mixed Media; Media Art; Monumental Art; Painting, Drawing and Graphic Art; Theory 3. Avans Hogeschool, University of Applied Sciences: http://www.avans.eu/ Academy for Fine Art and Design (AKV)/ St. joost --Master in Fine Art - -Master in Graphic Design -- Master in Photography 4. Codarts, University for the Arts: http://www.codarts.nl/ -- Rotterdam Dance Academy: Bachelor of Dance Programme - -Rotterdam Conservatoire: Bachelor and Master of Music Programme -- Rotterdam Circus Arts: Bachelor in Rotterdam Circus Arts 5. Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE): www.designacademyeindhoven.nl 6. Fontys University of Applied Sciences: http://www.fontys.edu/ -- School of Visual and performing Arts: BA Circus and Performing Art 7. Hogeschool van Amsterdam: http://www.international.hva.nl/ -- Amsterdam Fashion Institute (AMFI): www.amfi.hva.nl Bachelor in International Fashion and Branding, Fashion and Design, Fashion and Management 8. Inholland University of Applied Sciences: http://www.inholland.com/ --School of Communication, Media and Art: BA in International Music Management (Media and Entertainment Management Specialization) 9. Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABA): http://www.kabk.nl/ --Royal Academy of Fine Arts BA in Fine Arts and Design: Fine Arts, ArtScience, Photography, Graphic Design, Interactive/Media/Design, Interior Design and Furniture Design, Textile and Fashion Post Graduate Course: Industrial Design; Masters: Master in Design of Type and Media, Master Interior Architecture --Royal Conservatory: http://www.koncon.nl/en/ Classical Music, Early Music, Jazz, Composition, Sonology, Art of Sound, Music Education, Music Theory, Opera, Dance 10. Utrechet School of Art: http://www.hku.nl/web/English.htm --Music --Fine Arts, --Design/ Design for Digital Cultures --Art Management 11. Willem de Kooning Academy Hogeschool Rotterdam: http://wdka.hro.nl/ (Piet Zwart Institute/ Willem de Kooning Academy) --BA and MA in Fine Arts --BA in Design (Visual Communication, Product Design, Spatial Design) --MA in Media Design Architecture and Urban: 1. Amsterdam School of Art (Academy of Architecture) http://www.english.academievanbouwkunst.nl/en/ 2. Berlage Institute, Postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture www.berlage-institute.nl 3. Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) http://bk.home.tudelft.nl/en/ 4. Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) http://w3.bwk.tue.nl/en 5. Erasmus University/ Management of the European Metropolitan Region http://www.eur.nl/memr/ 6. Fontys University of Applied Sciences/ Architecture and Urban Design http://www.fontys.nl/aas/ 7. Hanze University Groningen, University of Applied Sciences/ School of Architecture, Built Environment and Civil Engineering http://www.hanzeuniversity.eu/home/International/Schools/School+of+Architecture+Built+Environment+Civil+Engineering/Programmes/ 8. HAS Den Bosh http://www.hasdenbosch.nl/nl/#/Home/Homepage 9. HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht www.international.hu.nl 10. International Institute for Geo-Information, Science and Earth Observation http://www.itc.nl/Pub/Home/Home/Study/Course-domains 11. OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment: http://www.otb2.tudelft.nl/index_en.php 12. Rotterdam University, University of Applied Sciences/ Academies van Bouwkunst http://www.avbr.nl/ 13. Saxion University of Applied Sciences http://www.saxion.edu/programmes/degree-programmes/ 14. Tiburg University/ Programme in European Urban Cultures http://www.tilburguniversity.nl/faculties/fsw/polis/ 15. Universtieit Amsterdam http://www.studeren.uva.nl/studyinginenglish/english.cfm 16. University of Groningen http://www.rug.nl/frw/onderwijs/bachelorplanologie/index 17. University of Twente www.utwente.nl/en 18. Universiteit Utrecht www.uu.nl/EN 19. Wageningen University www.wageningenuniversity.nl/UK 20. Willem de Kooning Academy Hogeschool Rotterdam http://wdka.hro.nl 21. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences: www.hszuyd.nl 22. The Netherlands Graduate School of Urban and Regional Research (Nethur) http://www.nethur.nl/ Industrial Design 1. Delft University of Technology: www.tudelft.nl/en 2. Eindhoven University of Technology: http://w3.id.tue.nl/en 3. Hanze University Groningen, University of Applied Sciences/ Bachelor of Product Design Engineering: www.hanzeuniversity.eu 4. HZ University of Applied Sciences/ Bachelor of Product Design: www.hz.nl 5. Royal Academy of Art in the Hague(KABA): www.kabk.nl 6. Stan Ackermans Institute: www.sai.tue.nl 7. University of Twente: www.graduate.utwente.nl Liberal Arts and Sciences 1. Amsterdam university college: www.auc.nl 2. Maastricht university college: www.ucm.nl 3. Roosevelt Academy: www.roac.nl 4. Tiburg University: www.tilburguniversity.nl -- NESO Taipei 荷蘭教育中心 (Netherlands Education Support Office) 105台北市民生東路三段 133 號 7 樓 D 室 網址:http://www.neso-taipei.org.tw 電子郵件信箱:[email protected] --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: -- NESO Taipei 荷蘭教育中心 (Netherlands Education Support Office) 105台北市民生東路三段 133 號 7 樓 D 室 網址:http://www.neso-taipei.org.tw 電子郵件信箱:[email protected] --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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