HelloVenus 板


CR:Nocut http://www.nocutnews.co.kr/Show.asp?IDX=2486815 英翻:LimeHV_Zone 中翻:eyebrow0928
1F:推 musicon :幫補圖2P: http://ppt.cc/2t-0 http://ppt.cc/sipE05/08 12:05
All Hello Venus' members are currently learning how to play musical instru- ments aiming at mastering in at least 1 instrument, they wish they could h- ave a jam session with members playing several instruments. 所有的Hello Venus成員最近都在學習樂器,以至少精通一種為目標。 她們希望能夠以數種樂器來進行即興演奏。 Lime's dream: "I have 2 things. Firstly, I want to do rap featuring. We have many male rappers featured in female singers' songs but not vice versa. I like calm classical rap. I want to show my own color. The other thing is I always think I would love to try as a beauty model whenever I read magazines. I don't prefer using make-up much but I always find makeup interesting." Lime的夢想:「我有兩件事情想做。第一,我希望做Rap的feat.,有很多男Rapper feat. 女歌手的歌曲,反之卻從來沒有過。我喜歡calm classical rap,我想要表現出我的個人 特色。第二,當我看雜誌時我就想嘗試做彩妝模特,我並不是很喜歡化妝,但我覺得化妝 很有趣。」 Yooara's dream: "I recorded my solo song in this album but I also want to try a collaboration. I want to try different things. I have been featured on stage in 'Shower of Tears' with Baechigi seniors for a week. This time, i would love to try working with Baechigi seniors formally. Although there were a lot of things to learn during that short period, I guess I really have learnt many things." 娥羅的夢想:「在這張專輯裡我錄製了solo歌曲,但我也想和其他人合作。我想嘗試各種 不同的事情。我曾經有一個星期和Baechigi前輩合作"淚浴"的舞台,這次我想要正式的和 Baechigi前輩合作。儘管在那段短時間有許多要學的,但我真的學到很多。」 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 看來P社家的已經從一種樂器進化到要很多種樂器了,懷挺!! -- ┌────╖ ┌─╖ ┌╖ ┌────╖ ┌────╖ ┌─╖ ┌─╖啊~~~~~~ ╔══╝ ╔═╕║ ╔═╕║╕╙╖ ┌┘╔╝ 啊~~~~~ ──╖ │╕╙─┘╔╝ 啊~~~~~~~ ══╕ ║╕ ╔╝ 啊~~~~~~~~~ ┌──┘ ─┘ 啊~~~~~~~~~~~ ════╝════╝═╝═╝═╝ 啊~~~~~~ψCap --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
2F:推 valen147 :http://goo.gl/AthbC 他又翻了 幫你貼 05/07 15:49
3F:推 aoe7250350 :真私心希望 Ara學鋼琴 >//////////< 05/07 17:19
4F:推 a191004250 :Alice應該直接是吉他XDD 05/07 17:26
5F:推 valen147 :http://goo.gl/95aQS 第三段翻譯 05/07 19:07
6F:推 musicon :推翻譯!!!!!! 05/08 00:40
7F:推 aoe7250350 :期待她們的之後的表演 05/08 10:56
8F:推 musicon :幫補圖2P: http://ppt.cc/2t-0 http://ppt.cc/sipE 05/08 12:05
※ 編輯: eyebrow0928 來自: (05/08 12:06)

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