HK-drama 板

LINE Vampire classic resurrected: US entertainment giant to remake cult ATV series Fox Networks Group Asia will produce a TV series and possibly a film after acquiring one-third of the ailing Hong Kong company’s inventory My Date With A Vampire spanned three seasons from 1998 and featured a romance between vampire Fong Tin-yau and vampire slayer Ma Siu-ling. Photo: SCMP Pictures ATV’s days might be numbered but its legacy will live on as an American entertainment giant plans to remake some of its classic titles into TV shows and films. Fox Networks Group Asia, a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox, will remake ATV’s My Date With A Vampire into a 20-episode TV series and possibly a film, the South China Morning Post has learnt. It is understood the fantasy romance title also garnered the interest of Korean TV producers, who are keen on making a series. Cora Yim, Fox Networks Group Asia’s head of Chinese entertainment and territory head of Hong Kong, said Fox acquired one-third of ATV’s inventory last year, including 28 drama series totalling more than 850 hours. She declined to disclose how much the deal cost. Yim said she was sad to see ATV’s fall. “Despite their limited resources, ATV created a lot of great shows that were not only popular but also trendsetting, such as My Date With A Vampire. Spanning three seasons from 1998, the series evolves around a heart-wrenching romance between vampire Fong Tin-yau and vampire slayer Ma Siu-ling, while the two battle evil vampires. Instead of adopting the conventional image of Chinese vampires, which are in fact hopping zombies, the vampires in the ATV show embody traits found in Western mythologies, but the story blends modern day Hong Kong with Chinese folklore. 美國Fox電視宣佈重製亞視的《我和殭屍有個約會》, 預計是20集電視劇 而且有機會推出電影版。同時, 韓國也有電視製作公司對此劇有興趣 Fox的亞洲區總裁宣佈, 已在去年購買亞洲電視共28部電視劇存貨 中間都是介紹ATV、電視劇, 最後Fox表示希望在今年內開始拍攝 並著手投資在特效、化妝及服裝上 --

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1F:推 Snowmiss: 臨兵鬥者皆陣列在前 03/03 04:20
2F:推 pasjcs: 這部在當年算神劇,可惜ATV… 03/03 10:15
3F:推 jackaly: 這神了,看要找誰來演… 03/03 10:16
4F:→ jimrex12025: 這樣算是美劇還港劇 03/03 14:13
5F:推 clv: 是要華人演還是阿豆仔演 03/03 23:47
6F:推 Monoprix: WOW 殭屍會變成吸血鬼嗎 03/04 00:38
7F:推 pattda: 我真的覺得椎名高志要跨海抽版稅 03/04 01:48
8F:→ pattda: 就港劇衝出亞洲這樣的新聞阿XD 03/04 01:49
9F:→ pattda: 我真的不決的美劇需要找華人市場受歡迎作品翻拍 他們自己 03/04 01:50
10F:→ pattda: 東西可以拍... 好吧 如果是有考慮到華人市場 那也算解答 03/04 01:50
11F:→ pattda: 覺得 03/04 01:51
12F:推 kideram: 椎名高志抽版稅+1 那雙長腿要找誰演啊XD 03/04 12:10
13F:推 Sparrow02002: 感覺讓國外拍的話,內容應該會改很大吧! 03/04 20:54
14F:推 deadrat: 明明Fox Networks Group Asia 為何標題會是美國FOX? 03/05 03:21
15F:→ deadrat: 如果是母公司美國本土拍的話 就真的衝出亞洲了 03/05 03:22
16F:推 RASSIS: 椎名抽版稅是指 馬小玲原型是美神令子? 03/07 16:19
17F:推 pattda: 是指殭屍抄很大 不只抄美神 很多東西都有抄 連倩女幽魂 03/07 22:07
18F:→ pattda: 也把金奴變人橋段抄到小倩身上 雖然我是滿樂意看到 03/07 22:08
19F:→ pattda: 自己愛的漫畫具體化 但抄的行為還是不可取阿!!XD 03/07 22:08
20F:推 pattda: 具體真人化 03/07 22:10
21F:→ judyli: 只想知道馬小玲是誰來演 :D 03/27 23:11

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