http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/ taran-killam-cobie-smulders-is-superb-mom-excited-for-second-child-20142810 縮網址 http://tinyurl.com/ke9av5y Taran Killam: Cobie Smulders Is "My Favorite Person," We're Excited for Second Child Cutest couple ever? Taran Killam gushed to Us Weekly about expecting his second child with wife Cobie Smulders while attending the Labyrinth Theater Company Celebrity Charades event in NYC on Monday, Oct. 27. The Saturday Night Live star noted that his longtime love decided to stay in for the night because of her pregnancy. Taran Killam 宣布他老婆 Cobie Smulders (Robin) 懷了他們的第二個孩子! "She is literally my favorite person," Killam, 32, told Us of the How I Met Your Mother alum, also 32. Killam 說 「她是我的最愛。」他們倆今年都是 32 歲。 Killam and Smulders wed in September 2012 and are already parents to daughter Shaelyn Cado, 5. The Brothers in Law actor revealed to Us that the couple are very excited for baby No. 2, but only time will tell whether Shaelyn will be getting a brother or a sister. "We're going to [make it a] surprise," he noted. "Everything's healthy and coming along well." 他們的女兒 Shaelyn 已經五歲了。 Killam and the Avengers actress now reside in NYC after living bi-coastal for several years — a new change that the SNL funnyman is elated about. (Smulders wrapped HIMYM, which filmed in L.A., back in March.) "We're in the same city, which we haven't been for four years. Just literally laying side by side is a treat for both of us. We're really enjoying that," he told Us. As for what he loves most about his wife? "Her generosity." 夫婦倆現在住在紐約。在那之前他們長期分隔美國東西岸兩地 因為 Cobie 要在 L.A. 拍 HIMYM, Taran 則為了 SNL 住在紐約。 Now that the pair are on the same coast, Killam will have plenty of time to pick up Smulders' late-night food cravings. That is, if she had any. "I wish!" Killam teased. "I grew up watching Lady and the Tramp, the Disney cartoon, and there's the moment where he goes out and it's snowing and he says, 'Honey, are you sure you want watermelon?' And she says, 'Yeah and some chop suey too.' That was one of my favorite moments." He added: "I keep trying to serve her watermelon and chop suey." 他們現在住在一起,Taran 則常要張羅 Cobie 的宵夜。 Cobie 跟他說她想吃什麼他就要負責去買。(原文用一個卡通做比喻) Instead of giving him snack orders, Smulders is busy just being a "superb" mom. "I'm hoping my schedule lends itself to a newborn just in that I'm up all night," Killam added of his daddy duties. "Hopefully that works out!" 他說 Cobie 是個很棒的媽媽。對於即將到來的新生兒,他也會盡力而為。 ----------------------------------------------------- 恭喜 Robin !!!!! --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/HIMYM/M.1414709895.A.9B9.html
1F:推 nolander: 恭喜~ 10/31 13:30
2F:推 chanwanchi: Congratulation!! 11/01 23:02
3F:→ frysmile: 好甜蜜~~~ 11/03 00:10
4F:推 dolphan: 恭喜! 11/05 23:39
5F:推 phoebe727: 耶超愛她的~~~ 11/17 06:48
6F:推 fredtru: 卡通就美女與野獸阿 11/18 12:26
7F:推 anangirlie: 不是小姐與流氓嗎? 11/19 11:30
8F:→ maxj: 小姐與流氓(流浪漢),狗狗愛情故事,經典喬段吃麵條吃到親嘴 11/28 11:13
9F:→ fredtru: 誤導了囧 不知道有這部0.0想說是愛情故事直覺美女與野獸 12/01 12:39
10F:推 HOWARD711513: LA 拍HIMYM? 真假 08/04 06:26

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