不知道這個要選情報還是選什麼標題XD 因為沒看到版上有人po 我只好自己找了一下 最後大家上車的時候 背景音樂是 The Shins - Simple Song http://youtu.be/RoLTPcD1S4Q
非常符合HIMYM大家的心境 歌詞很不錯,我也很喜歡 ps大家都有在follow HIMYM的專輯嗎?是不是只能在itunes買阿? Well this is just a simple song To say what you done I told you about all those fears And away they did run You sure must be strong And you feel like an ocean Being warmed by the sun When I was just nine years old I swear that I dreamt Your face on a football field And a kiss that I kept Under my vest Apart from everything, but the heart in my chest I know that things can really get rough when you go it alone Don't go thinking you gotta be tough, to play like a stone Could be there's nothing else in our lives so critical As this little hole! My life in an upturned boat, marooned on a cliff You brought me a great big flood And you gave me a lift To care, what a gift You tell me with your tongue And your breath was in my lungs And you float over the rift I know that things can really get rough when you go it alone Don't go thinking you gotta be tough, to play like a stone Could be there's nothing else in our lives so critical As this little hole! Well this will be a simple song to say what you've done I told you about all those years and away they did run You sure must be strong And you feel like an ocean Being warmed by the sun Remember walking a mile to your house, a glow in the dark I made a fumblin' play for your heart and the extra, the spark You wore a charm in a chain that I stole specially for you Love's such a delicate thing that we do, we've nothing to prove Which I never knew -- 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~蜜瓜 我是好植物<( ̄︶ ̄)> --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 pattda:這部讓我聽到好多好音樂.. 快回歸吧~ 讓我們結束這一切!XDD 09/03 10:24
2F:→ pattda:9月23還好久.. (可能等太久了) 09/03 10:25
3F:推 grayfrog:我看完這集也馬上找這首來聽! 09/03 12:32
4F:推 tieny:推~~聽到這首歌後就把它拿來當手機鈴聲了! 09/06 22:41
5F:推 vinousred:CBS說可能有第十季... 09/06 23:56
6F:推 secret7982:這首太好聽,第八季看完的時候狂聽~ 09/09 10:10
7F:推 gina4102:很喜歡這首而且mv也很棒! 09/10 21:48
8F:推 pattda:第十季... 我是想看媽媽大肚子啦 但可以放在第九季嗎? 09/11 17:07
9F:→ pattda:漂亮的最後一季 然後入圍一堆獎項XD 09/11 17:08
10F:→ daniel810736:第九季就收了吧...第八季硬拖多難看 還是見好就收 09/12 06:36
11F:推 j52122002:第十季好像是番外篇的樣子? 09/17 12:57
12F:推 Aris0924: 哇靠我也沒發現!Conan那顆頭我居然會錯過!而且你的截 08/28 23:11
13F:→ Aris0924: 圖的康納的表情好像一副他不小心從隔壁棚穿過來喔XD 08/28 23:11

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