作者mounthellow (人蔘阿.....)
標題[Live] SBS 人氣歌謠
時間Sun Jul 10 14:20:46 2011
新手開Live文 還請多包涵
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★★★ Come Back Stage ★★★
● 收看方式︰
◢ 賈斯汀justin ◤
◢ KPOP Live ◤
◆ 台灣時間約14:40開始 ◆ 節目MC:趙權、Sulli、李起光、IU
# Comeback Special # - 泫雅 [Attention+Bubble pop]
- ZE:A [Heart for 2+Watch Out]
- 天上智喜 [One more chance]
- Girl's day [給我一個擁抱 ]
# Take 7 # - 2PM [Hands Up]
- 2NE1 [I'm The Best]
- Secret [星光月光]
- 8eight [摀住嘴巴]
- Rainbow [Sweet Dream]
- f(x) [Hot Summer]
- T-ara [Roly Poly]
# 期待綻放~特別舞台 # - f(x) & SHINee [Hello]
# Hot Misic # - Navi [Diary]
- B1A4 [Only Learnt the Bad]
- A Pink [It Girl]
- Mighty Mouth&Soya [LaLaLa]
- 張佑赫 [周末夜]
# Fresh Music # - Block B [Tell Them]
# 工作安全歌 # - Jewelry
From.SBS 人氣歌謠 官網
@mounthellow █ █ █ █ ███◣ ◢█◣ ★★★★★★★★★★
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ★ 1st mini album ★
PTT@Girlsday ◥█◤ █ █ █ █ █ █ ★ EVERY DAY ★
█ █ █ ████ ███ ★ July 7 ★
█ ◥██◤ █ █ █ █ ★★★★★★★★★★
當人們遍尋不著女神時 我會說我曾見過金亞榮
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 girlsday:推!!! 07/10 14:21
※ 編輯: mounthellow 來自: (07/10 14:27)
2F:→ mounthellow:有其他頻道在幫我補上 小弟孤陋寡聞 謝啦 07/10 14:28
3F:推 mocki:跟不到…推! 07/10 14:37
4F:推 girlsday:- Block B [Tell Them] 07/10 14:39
5F:推 girlsday:- Navi [Diary] 07/10 14:42
6F:→ mounthellow:我家會頓....靠你貼了 07/10 14:43
7F:推 girlsday:# 工作安全歌 # - Jewelry 07/10 14:45
8F:→ girlsday:- B1A4 [Only Learnt the Bad] 07/10 14:46
9F:推 girlsday:- A Pink [It Girl] 07/10 14:50
10F:→ mounthellow:A Pink [It Girl] 07/10 14:50
11F:推 girlsday:恩地啊~~~~~ 07/10 14:52
12F:→ mounthellow:8eight [摀住嘴巴] 07/10 14:53
13F:→ girlsday:- 8eight [摀住嘴巴] 07/10 14:53
14F:→ mounthellow:很愛這首 07/10 14:53
15F:→ mounthellow:天上智喜 [One more chance] 07/10 14:56
16F:推 girlsday:- 天上智喜 [One more chance] 07/10 14:56
17F:→ girlsday:居然比天上智喜還晚出來....SBS真是好QQ 07/10 14:57
18F:→ mounthellow:真的 哭哭 07/10 14:58
19F:推 girlsday:- Mighty Mouth&Soya [LaLaLa] 07/10 15:00
20F:→ mounthellow:拿酒 拿酒 07/10 15:00
21F:推 girlsday:訪問-泫雅 07/10 15:03
22F:→ mounthellow:小馬>////< 07/10 15:03
23F:→ girlsday:- Rainbow [Sweet Dream] 07/10 15:04
24F:→ mounthellow:Rainbow [Sweet Dream] 07/10 15:04
25F:→ mounthellow:還好到最後一場DSP沒有在搞壞衣服了XD 07/10 15:06
26F:推 girlsday:- ZE:A [Heart for 2+Watch Out] 07/10 15:08
27F:→ mounthellow:ZE:A [Heart for 2+Watch Out] 07/10 15:08
28F:→ girlsday:下一個就是囉!!! 07/10 15:08
29F:推 girlsday:- Girl's day [給我一個擁抱 ] 07/10 15:12
30F:→ mounthellow:這是應援嗎!! 07/10 15:13
31F:→ mounthellow:Yura!!!!!!!!! 07/10 15:14
32F:→ mounthellow:MinAH!!!!! 07/10 15:15
33F:→ mounthellow:泫雅 [Attention+Bubble pop] 07/10 15:16
34F:推 girlsday:- 泫雅 [Attention+Bubble pop] 07/10 15:16
35F:→ girlsday:有應援!!!! 07/10 15:16
36F:→ mounthellow:場景好可愛 跟H2H有像XD 07/10 15:18
37F:→ mounthellow:應援真威 07/10 15:19
38F:推 girlsday:- Secret [星光月光] 07/10 15:22
39F:→ mounthellow:SECRET- 星光月光 07/10 15:22
40F:推 jongkcw:推!! 07/10 15:24
41F:推 girlsday:- 張佑赫 [周末夜] 07/10 15:26
42F:推 girlsday:- f(x) & SHINee [Hello] 07/10 15:29
43F:→ mounthellow:f(x) & SHINee [Hello] 07/10 15:29
44F:推 girlsday:- f(x) [Pinocchio+Hot Summer] 07/10 15:32
45F:推 girlsday:- 2PM [Hands Up] 07/10 15:37
46F:→ mounthellow:T-ara [Roly Poly] 07/10 15:38
47F:→ mounthellow:跳來跳去是哪招... 07/10 15:39
48F:推 girlsday:- T-ara [Roly Poly] 07/10 15:40
49F:推 girlsday:- 2NE1 [I'm The Best] 07/10 15:44
50F:→ mounthellow:今天是韓國什麼日子? 07/10 15:44
51F:→ mounthellow:2NE1 [I'm The Best] 07/10 15:44
52F:→ girlsday:他們最近申辦2018冬季奧運成功 所以慶祝 這三天三台都有 07/10 15:45
53F:→ mounthellow:嗯嗯 07/10 15:45
54F:→ girlsday:所以剛剛T-ara的都有一些運動的動作XD 07/10 15:46
55F:推 girlsday:一位-2PM 07/10 15:48
56F:→ girlsday:趙權居然不來跳QQ 07/10 15:49
57F:→ mounthellow:回後台一下 YURA就能發推特... 07/10 15:49
58F:→ mounthellow:直播文結束 謝謝大家 07/10 15:53
59F:推 jeffgk2005:感謝幫忙開直播~ 07/10 15:58
60F:→ codomoin:感恩mounthellow大大!! 07/10 15:59
※ 編輯: mounthellow 來自: (07/10 16:01)
61F:推 mocki:感謝mounth大幫開…今天不舒服QQ 07/10 18:41
62F:推 chandler0227:那個連結是不是從我那抓過來的啊? 07/11 01:46
63F:推 mocki:錢版 我之前大部份是從你哪抓過來的 如果沒錯的話原Po是複製 07/11 01:52
64F:推 mocki:我那篇的話 那連結是您的沒錯 如有冒犯請告知 真不好意思~~ 07/11 01:54
65F:推 chandler0227:OK啦~只是底下USTREAM很多都沒法看,要自己點點看 07/11 01:56
66F:→ chandler0227:還有SBS有個大猩猩直播~下次可以把那個也加進來XDDD 07/11 01:57
67F:→ chandler0227:覺得有點眼熟而已不用在意,反正連結也是到處蒐集過來 07/11 01:59
68F:推 mocki:有哦~只是原Po複製的那篇是音銀的Live 07/11 01:59
69F:→ mocki:因為As,T-ara,Beast版的連結是最完整的 所以才會拿來用XD 07/11 02:02
70F:→ mounthellow:感謝錢版主 下次會注意的 07/11 02:15