Geography 板


桑伯瑞(William D. Thornbury)在1969年的(Principles of Geomorphology )列舉 了10項地形學的基本概念。這些基本概念在研究地景(landscape )以及他們的發育過程 的時候,應當牢記在心。以下是他所列舉的十項。 原文對照所要表達的意思 Concept 1 The same physicalprocess and laws that operate today operated thoughout geo- logic time,although not necessarily always with the same intensity as now. 概念一 今日運作中的自然作用和自然法則與地質時代中的並無所不同。 Concept2 Geologic structure is a dominant control factor in the evolution of land- forms and is reflected in them. 概念二 在地表形態演進中,地質構造是具有支配力的因素,而且可以在地表形態中反映出來 。 Concept3 To alarge degree the earth's surface possesses relief because the geomor- phic processes operate at a differentail rates. 概念三 地形作用進行的速率在各地都有差異。這一些差異侵蝕作用是造成地表起伏的原因。 Concept4 Geomorphic processes leave their distinctive inprint upon landforms and each geomorphic process develops its own characteristic assemblage of landforms. 概念四   每一種地形作用的過程都可以發展出一組具有特性的地貌組合。 Concept5  As the different erosional agents act upon the earth's surface there is pro- duced an orderly sequence of landforms. 概念五   地表的地貌是由不同的侵蝕營力(agent )作用在地表上所形成有發育次序的地貌。 Concept6 Complexity of Geomorphic evolution is more common than simplicity. 概念六   地形的發育是一件極為複雜的過程。 Concept7 Little of earth surface topography is older than Tertiary and most of it no older than Pleistocene. 概念七 今日地表的起伏均不老於第四紀更新世(二百萬年),很少地形有古於第三紀者(六千 五百萬年 )。 Concept8 Proper interpritation of present-day landscapes is impossible without a full appreciation of the manifold influences of the Geologic and climate changes during the Pleistocene. 概念八 若對第四紀時期的地質和氣候變化的影響,缺乏充份的認識,則對現在的地形就無法作適 當的解釋。 Concept9 An appreciation of world climates is necessary to a proper understanding of the varying importance of the different Geomorphic processes. 概念九 在不同的地形發育過程中,由於地區的不同,氣候的影響有大有小。 Concept10 Geomorphology,although concerned primarily with present day landscapes, attains its maximum usefulness by historical entension. 概念十 雖然地形學今日主要是以地景為主,但是若能夠拓展出歷史的角度,從地形發育的 歷史來看今日的地景,那就會更有用途。 -- 被詛咒的天使折了雙翼 墜落在最深的夜 守候著最真的愛戀 看不到現在未來 能擁有的 只有破碎的過去 --

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