※ [本文轉錄自 NDS 看板] 作者: sxxs (有些話想說在老去之前~) 看板: NDS 標題: [情報] NDS GTA新畫面 時間: Sun Sep 21 16:37:25 2008 比第一批的圖好多了~ Nintendo Power magazine has some new details about the upcoming Grand Theft Auto : Chinatown Wars for the Nintendo DS. The magazine reveals that the game will have a cel-shaded look and action will be viewed from an isometric perspective. The first screenshots of the game will be soon available. - True GTA game - sandbox gameplay, open-world environment, gritty crime narrative. - M-rating - Isometric camera angle - Cel-shaded polygons w/ black borders - good touch-screen implementation - 'tasteful' minigames, streamlining interface - UI based on a PDA - hub for email, contacts, map, music player, GPS, stat-tracking - stats uploaded to Rockstar Social Club website via Wi-Fi - finger-sized icons - missions designed for shorter periods of play, arcade quality - aiming with control pad, auto targeting with R button - subtle autosteer - if you fail a mission, you can jump back to the action sequence - chain gun, flamethrower - good portion of Liberty City is modeled in the game (different routes than console games) - no probems with load times, draw-in or frame rate - lots of pedestrians, cars, etc on screen - Wanted system - objective is to disable police cars any way possible - real-time weather effects, 24-hour day/night cycle - lots of radio stations to listen to (more instrumentals than vocals) - 800,000 lines of hand-optimized source code (hey, the people like the info, right?) - no details yet on multiplayer/Wi-Fi features --

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1F:推 albert7387:我很怕這種鳥瞰畫面 09/21 18:39
2F:推 treert314:我覺得畫面好有趣喔XD 09/21 21:17
3F:推 gary555:1 3人稱視角兼具 有把NDS特色加進去 畫面還蠻漫畫式的感覺 09/21 21:57
4F:→ GALINE:GTA初代跟二代果然被遺忘了[苦笑] 09/22 01:01
5F:推 yayaoh:這種風格也不賴 09/22 01:49
6F:推 nekaki:2代漫畫版 09/22 01:51
7F:推 claude3:很美式漫畫的鳥瞰畫面 09/22 08:30
8F:推 KoAnne:二代也是這種型態 但NDSL版本 任務會更有趣 09/22 13:21
9F:推 diehard333:真的滿像2代的風格... 09/23 00:48
10F:推 TroyLee:好期待喔 09/23 03:04
11F:推 tirple:我也覺得2代覆刻了 09/24 17:00
12F:推 char5577:2代好玩阿 09/28 00:22

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