Marco <[email protected]> Hi to all, I'm Italian kartist and marryed with a Taiwanese girl, I'd like to have some contact with your karting world and understand how different is. Hope to hear someone from email or forum... ====================================================== Let me present myself to all the GPMALL community... I was born in 1974 and begin with karting in 1985. From 1985 to 1986 only for fun then in 1987 I begin competing in 100 Cadet. In 1989 i changed to 100 Italy (a junior category now disappeared). In 1990 i passed to 100 ICA and compete there until 1998. Then 100 FA and 100 Senior until 2001 when i decided to have abreak (work and money.... ) This year i marryed with my wife Hsin Wen from Taipei and I'm very interested to know about your karting.... Here is very developped and professional and, for amateur kartist, are growing a lot of "single-brand" category where you can use only one chassis and one engine (similar to Rotax Max Challenge). Hope to hear something from Taiwanese kartists !! ============================================================== Anyway I can be pleased to provide any info about italian karting to Taiwanese kartist !! Infos about races, tecniques, chassis, engines.... anything ! Everyone can also write me in Chinese... my wife will translate.. eh eh he Anyway... i forgot in my last description to mention a little about my palmares... i competed in about 150 races, in a national and regional level. I always did karting for fun, but i also obtained some little results.. (14 pole position-10 first (4 in national events, 6 in regional) -18 second-24 third and maybe more than 50 times in top-five. My best result was many times regional champ and once 5th in Italian champ). In italy level is quite high... eeeer... not always easy to have agood palmares eeerr.... anyway i competed many years ago also in same race with Trulli and Fisichella... they were on the top.. me in the center of the group !! ah ah ah ha ok now i hope to get new friends... ============================================== Bye to all here situation of national karting is not so clear and.... nice for the future. Standard national categories (100 Junior, 100 ICA, 100 FA, 125 National and 125 ICC) are in a deep crisis... and drivers around are decreasing too much. Consider that only 5-8 years ago, normally, there were about 120-150 drivers every races (about 22-30 for each category), instead now is not unusual to have less than 70 drivers on a weekend competition !!! This is mostly due to costs and to extremely high professionalization in everyone... from 10 years old to.... 60 !!! Situation is not longer accetable and so many factories are trying to create many "one-brand" categories.. such as Rotax MAX - ROK - Easykart - KartGP - SONIK... and so on... But not every idea is good.. and it seems that ROK (chassis Tony or CRG or Birel, engine VORTEX ROK 125cc liquid cooled) and Easykart (chassis Birel, engine Parilla 125cc air cooled) are the best choices. Most of all Easykart is very cheap, rules are very strict and races are full of new drivers (about 40-50 every race), in fact also BIrel-USA (Montoya father.... ) created the same challenge... Have a look about Easykart on www.easykart.it, maybe can be interesting for develop karting also in Taiwan !! Ask me every question you can have... What about your situation ? bye for now Marco --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
◆ From:
1F:→ purist:married a taiwanese girl應該是男的吧^^" 推 08/09
2F:→ karting:! 我看錯了......> <|| 推 08/18
3F:→ karting:我改標題吧~~ 推 08/18
4F:→ purist::p 推 08/18

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