照片合輯 https://i.imgur.com/qr3C4Ew.jpeg
訪談節錄 圍巾訪談節錄: Low-key Andrew Wiggins interview opens GSW media day. Asked if he needs to sco re more for this team: "More than I did last year for sure." He averaged caree r-low 13.2 ppg. Said he needs better efficiency, aggression, Kerr wants more u sage. "All of the above." https://x.com/anthonyVslater/status/1840789393000542284?t=4FTggL5Ft4NgYscwz77Y -Q&s=19 GP2訪談節錄: Gary Payton II before he even takes a question: "Yes. I plan on being availabl e this year. I feel good, healthy. Body's feeling great." Appeared in only 22 and 44 games the last two seasons. https://x.com/anthonyVslater/status/1840795923527712818?t=IZ1jwFjZs4I7tyeJTVo3 AQ&s=19 咖哩訪談節錄: Here’s a full soundbite from Steph Curry on the Warriors missing out on Paul George and Lauri Markkanen this summer and his comfort with their current posi tion. “We can be a relevant team” https://x.com/anthonyVslater/status/1840830395442692598?t=cHnjBK9eFcpFVKHqhDjI pQ&s=19 嘴綠訪談節錄:(針對PG的交易失敗) Draymond Green (who was in on the Paul George recruitment) said he felt the Wa rriors front office did well not making a panic move this summer. “One move in this league can set you back five years.” 完整訪談影片: https://x.com/anthonyVslater/status/1840800494765433072?t=r2WGZv3JTIzuyHABVoB3 Xg&s=19 Kuminga 訪談節錄: Jonathan Kuminga said “hopefully” an extension with the Warriors gets done p rior to the Oct. 21 deadline, but: “I’m not really concerned about it. If I get it, if I don’t, it’s cool.” https://x.com/anthonyVslater/status/1840825828483219930?t=QLB8SoSZtMLkiq15YIhK 2w&s=19 Buddy Hield 訪談節錄:(選擇勇士原因) Buddy Hield discusses his free agency choice to join the Warriors and his fit. “Did I see myself coming back to California? No.” “I’ve always loved their style of basketball.” 完整訪談影片: https://x.com/anthonyVslater/status/1840803567655141553?t=_MijdgtGGgSnejmwqjTP oA&s=19 Kyle Anderson訪談節錄: Kyle Anderson played with Gobert/Towns in Minnesota. Now he’s part of an unde rsized Warriors frontcourt. Draymond Green’s been telling him: “You a (cente r) now.” https://x.com/anthonyVslater/status/1840816579262759020?t=ZNNBufqnxOttd6_cMrnF aw&s=19 Moody 訪談節錄:(Klay仍保持聯繫) Moses Moody, asked about the sudden Klay Thompson void as another Warriors sea son arrives, said he's still in contact with Klay. They were playing Internet chess against each other this morning. "He's got a couple game win streak on m e." https://x.com/anthonyVslater/status/1840804951133733245?t=ff-klm4GdRASfbQ50JpH Yg&s=19 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1727715448.A.DEE.html ※ 編輯: Superman007 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2024 01:01:34 ※ 編輯: Superman007 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2024 01:07:40 ※ 編輯: Superman007 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2024 01:10:33 ※ 編輯: Superman007 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2024 01:11:14 ※ 編輯: Superman007 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2024 01:24:18 ※ 編輯: Superman007 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2024 01:24:57 ※ 編輯: Superman007 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2024 01:27:00
1F:推 malain: 圍巾這個線條可以喔。。。10/01 01:26
2F:→ shanyaochung: 魯尼每天都在做三分球訓練10/01 01:29
3F:推 shanyaochung: 一天400-500球10/01 01:32
4F:推 SC30mvp: 圍巾是不是變粗了 10/01 02:10
5F:推 rivafann: 第一次在圍巾身上感覺到殺氣 10/01 02:17
6F:→ shanyaochung: https://i.imgur.com/eIRZe4e.jpeg10/01 04:07
※ 編輯: Superman007 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2024 05:43:28
7F:→ Superman007: 咖哩變超級壯... 10/01 05:44
8F:→ Superman007: https://i.imgur.com/TPNV2MX.jpeg 10/01 05:44
9F:推 OrniG: 阿嘎頭染的變索汗~~ 10/01 11:23
10F:推 benboy: 魯尼是髮型關係還是真的有變瘦? XD 10/02 00:30

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