Free_box 板


為了之後有類似狀況的朋友 我來自問自答了 首先 跟dropbox溝通一定要英文! 這次寫完英文信後 兩天內總算不是自動回覆的內容 對方回覆是 我的退款程序已跑流程中 所以到時候再確認銀行有沒有收到退費就行 我也將我的信件內容貼上來 英文很差 可能有很多文法錯誤 請英文好的版大自行腦內修正了! 我寄出: Hi I'd like to get the refund my charge. I had canceled the bussiness probation and my account turn to free space in 29 Sep. However, I still recieved the payment from you. In Taiwan, the bank can't refuse any payment due to they don't know the trade contract. And they told me the only way to do is request refund from you to st op the payment. And if there any infomation I need to supply to you for get the refund, please tell me. Hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, 客服回答: Thanks for writing in. I can confirm that the refund has been processed by Dropbox Support. In genera l it takes 3 to 5 business days for a refund to be processed by payment vendor s. If you do not receive a refund in a reasonable amount of time you will need to contact your bank for further resolution. I hope this helps, feel free to contact us if you have any other questions or concerns. 以上給類似狀況的朋友們做參考囉! ※ 引述《ogawa666 (ogawa)》之銘言: : 各位大大好 : 前陣子我幫公司申請Dropbox bussiness試用 : 到試用期到期後他發給我一個轉為正式版的信 : 我才驚覺忘了取消 : 立刻到管理後台取消bussiness後 : 他介面顯示取消成功 : 結果我還是收到了銀行扣款通知 : 我查了他的faq : 說自動扣款只能請銀行取消授權 : 結果銀行跟我說他們不行 : 只能請店家退刷 : 寫了信給dropbox客服 : 等了兩天只有自動回覆信叫我去看網頁faq : 再度寫了英文信 : 還是沒收到任何通知 : 看到版上也有幾位大大也有過相同經驗 : 但都沒有後續是否成功的消息 : 想請教版大們這問題是否無解 : 只能乖乖被白扣兩萬多嗎? : Dropbox自從我取消後就把我降回免費的空間大小了 : 如果死不退錢 : 好歹該讓我繼續用吧... : 真的要瘋了... --

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1F:推 cfox1: 感謝分享 04/15 21:09

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