Flickr 板


這兩天收到的信,如果要買會員在1月15日之前有85折。不知道是不是發給所有的人。 Important updates to your Flickr account. This is about more than photos. We recently announced some big changes (and big upgrades) to our free and Pro Flickr accounts. (No more Yahoo login for everyone and new partner discounts, unlimited photo storage, and 5K photo compatibility for Pros just to name a few.) We made these changes with one goal in mind: supporting and investing in the future of the largest, most influential collection of photographers on the planet. This is our place to inspire and be inspired. To celebrate this big step forward for the Flickr community, we’re offering 15% off the first year of your Pro account until January 15, 2019. Go ahead, upload everything. We can’t wait to see the view from behind your lens. Get 15% off Use offer code FLICKRPRO15 at checkout. Offer expires January 15, 2019. Updates. Free accounts will soon be limited to 1,000 photos or videos. Flickr isn't Flickr without the contributions and participation of our free members, and we remain committed to a vibrant, free offering. Flickr Pro is better than ever, and at less than half the cost of Apple, Amazon, or Google, it’s the best deal in photography—hands down. In addition to the unmatched community you love, Pros get these perks: ‧ Unlimited Storage. The only limit is your imagination. All Pros may now upload as many photos as you can take, always at full resolution. ‧ Ad-Free Browsing. Focus on what matters with a fully ad-free Flickr experience for you and your visitors. ‧ Advanced Stats. See which of your photos are trending now, and which have performed the best over the life of your Flickr Pro account. Plus all these great, new Pro-only features: ‧ Premier Product Support. Skip the line. Flickr Pros now receive priority assistance from our new world-class support team. Available now. ‧ More Partner Discounts. Save on photography essentials. Discounts on Creative Cloud from Adobe, 50% off a custom portfolio site on SmugMug, gear from Peak Design, and more. Available Now. ‧ Advanced Stats on Mobile. Stats in your pocket. All the photo stats you know and love, available in the app. Available Now. ‧ Increased Exposure. All Pro members as of January 1, 2019, are eligible for priority exposure in the next iteration of Explore. Coming early 2019. ‧ New 5K Photo Display Option. Look your best. Your images are beautifully optimized for any screen, from smartphone to jumbotron. Pro images display at resolutions up to 5K. Coming early 2019. ‧ 10 Minute Videos. More time to tell your story. Play back videos for up to 10 minutes, increased from 3. Coming early 2019. If you are a free member with more than 1,000 photos or videos, you will have ample time to upgrade to Pro (for 15% off your first year) or download your photos and videos.* *Free members with more than 1,000 photos or videos uploaded to Flickr have until Tuesday, January 8, 2019, to upgrade to Flickr Pro or download content over the limit. After January 8, 2019, members over the limit will no longer be able to upload new photos to Flickr. After February 5, 2019, free accounts that contain over 1,000 photos or videos will have content actively deleted— starting from oldest to newest date uploaded—to meet the new limit. Changes. We’re making small changes to what remains the most photographer-centric Terms and Conditions of Use on the planet. These changes reflect more precise wording for clarity’s sake. Flickr continues to stand by our promise to support photographers and their work because we believe photographs have the power to change the world. In the interest of transparency to our community, we wanted to share the changes with you so you wouldn’t have to dig them up yourself. You can find the entire Flickr Terms and Conditions of Use at In the “User Content” section, the following has been added: “From time to time, SmugMug may limit the amount of User Content, including your photographs, stored via the Site. SmugMug has the right, at any time, to remove your User Content stored on the Site in excess of such limits. Furthermore, if SmugMug were to terminate an account on the Site for any reason, all User Content associated with such account would be removed. While SmugMug will use reasonable efforts to notify you of such removal, whether by notice in the account or by email to the email you have specified in your account, it is your responsibility to download any User Content which you wish to save and make backup copies of all User Content to prevent the loss thereof.” In the “Your Account” section, most of the following is new: “SmugMug reserves the right to terminate your account and/or refuse access to the Services to anyone at any time, with or without cause, at its sole discretion. If SmugMug terminates your account due to inactivity, SmugMug will use reasonable efforts to notify you of such termination in advance by posting such notice in your account and emailing such notice to the email address you have specified in your account.” In the “Agreement to Arbitrate” section, the following has been added: “Notwithstanding the foregoing, you and SmugMug are NOT required to arbitrate any dispute in which either party seeks equitable or other relief for (1) the alleged unlawful use of copyrights, trademarks, trade names, logos, trade secrets, or patents or (2) allegedly criminal conduct under laws of the United States or any state thereof, including, but not limited to, criminal laws addressing pornography, exploitation, obscenity, or hate speech. ” Thanks, The Flickr Team --

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