作者ryanlei (雷恩雷)
標題Re: [問題] 搜尋不到自己上傳的相片
時間Sat Jan 27 01:20:01 2007
※ 引述《ryanlei (雷恩雷)》之銘言:
: 我明明每張圖片都設成public
: 可是在首頁打了tag卻搜尋不到(Everyone's Photos)
: 只能選Your Photos才找得到
: 請問是我少設定了什麼嗎
: 剛上傳的搜不到
: 幾天前傳的也不行
: 覺得很怪><
When you sign up for Flickr, your new account is marked as 'pending', until
Flickr administrators have reviewed it to make sure you aren't posting
offensive images, or junk downloaded from the web. You have to have uploaded
at least 5 public photos before your account enters the review queue. Once
you do, our review process takes 3-5 days.
When your account is 'pending' your photos won't show up in public photo
lists, like Everyone's Photos, or pages that show all photos tagged with a
certain tag (e.g.).
It's nice to be important, but
it's more
important to be nice.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 tingyang:不錯耶,我也學到了新知識 01/27 01:22
2F:推 ryanlei:以後如果有篇置底"新手Q&A的話" 可以考慮加這條XD 01/27 01:24
3F:→ elytseerf:以後可以考慮翻這篇XDDD 01/27 22:49