Finance 板


法國外貿銀行 (Natixis CIB) 台北分行徵求 兼營證券商業務之內部稽核人員 為符合兼營證券商業務之法規要求,法國外貿銀行 (Natixis) 台北分行目前計畫招募一 位內部稽核人員 (Statutory Auditor),其主要工作為: (1) 證券商業務相關之內部稽核工作不含銀行端) ,約佔20% (2) 其餘80% 的工作量能將運用在協助法國外貿銀行發展在台業務所需的專案與行政營運 管理 ,如: - 協同法遵單位監督在台業務之風險導向自行查核,及執行需要之獨立測試 - 跨部門之專案管理 (如新執照或新產品之內外部核准 或 委外/個資等全行新計畫推動 之協調窗口),與各部門共同合作推動在台業務發展 - 公司治理相關業務:如分析來函公文內容,並發布其中重要訊息予相關部門,亦包涵後 續應執行行動之追蹤結案 更詳盡之JD內容可參閱以下英文內容,倘若有興趣之同學,可將英文CV發至 [email protected] 信箱。法國外貿銀行相關訊息,亦於此文下方有提供。 Main Responsibilities ‧ Developing, planning, executing and reporting of the scope of internal audit ‧ Carrying out regular and ad hoc internal audits and preparation of audit reports as well as audit work papers, each pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations ‧ Based on internal audit results, identify internal control weaknesses, recommend corrective actions or business resolutions, if required, and follow up on implementation ‧ Preparation of internal audit related management meeting materials and to report to Taiwan General Manager / APAC internal audit ‧ Regularly coordinate related departments to review and update the company’ s internal control system to bring such system up to date and to ensure that such system is in line with applicable laws and regulations as well as group policies where applicable ‧ Partner with Compliance to coordinate related departments to execute the risk-based self-assessments, as well as to assess the effectiveness of the self-assessment results ‧ Assist Compliance (contact window) to face regulators in the event of regulatory inspections and regulatory queries/surveys ‧ Provide support to Compliance on the branch transversal projects as well as administrative coordination, including, but not limited to, Chinese official letter handling, project coordination/follow up, or other management requested admin support Required Skills ‧ Bachelor degree in Business/ law/accounting/management or equivalent ‧ At least 1-2 year experience in risk (audit, operational risk, compliance or etc.) management related field. ‧ Senior Securities Agent License. [Can Still Apply if you do not have it now, but this will be a MUST when coming onboard] ‧ Mandarin and English are mandatory ‧ Well structured, organized and systematic ‧ Solid analytical skills (auditor background is preferred) ‧ Ability to cope with time pressure and work to meet deadlines ‧ Good understanding of banking activities ‧ A good team player ‧ Good knowledge and ability on Microsoft Office 法國外貿銀行 (Natixis) 台北分行官方網頁 法國外貿銀行隸屬BPCE集團下全球金融服務業務部 Global Financial Service,以 Natixis 為品牌,負責拓展集團下更具國際性質之活動:如企業與投資銀行 (Corporate & Investment Banking,台北分行屬此項下) 與資產管理 (Asset & Wealth Management ,法盛證券投資顧問屬此項下)。 根據市場數據 (如 S&P 2022年4月數據全球資產第20大;LexisNexis 2021數據全球資產 第16大), BPCE集團為世界前二十大銀行集團,且為全球系統性重要銀行 (G-SIBs); BPCE集團有穩健堅實之資本支撐,截至2023年6月底之集團CET1 ratio為15.2%。 BPCE集團採合作股權 (cooperative shareholding) 架構,由大眾銀行集團 (BP) 與儲蓄 銀行集團 (CE) 於2009年共同創立集團管理中心組織 BPCE SA,共有9百萬合作股東,並 透過BPCE SA 持有其他子公司,如法國外貿銀行Natixis SA。BPCE透過大眾銀行集團與儲 蓄銀行集團擁有廣泛之法國在地金融通路,在法國提供融資予超過20%之該國實體經濟活 動,集團雇用超過10萬名員工,2022年整體集團淨營收達257億歐元。法國外貿銀行專注 於8類策略性產業,提供客戶金融顧問、融資、資本市場、金融交易貿易融資等服務,目 前在台業務以資本市場及再生能源融資為主。 --

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1F:推 SilentBob: 錢呢? 09/25 10:42
2F:推 yourpig3000: 這三道防線的概念…. 09/25 13:54
3F:推 cool2548: 超屌 一個人當一二三道防線 09/25 14:26
4F:→ uppereastbbr: 此職缺內稽工作僅限兼營證券業務,不含銀行端 09/25 15:01
5F:→ uppereastbbr: 此職位僅協助溝通、管理、追蹤,非執行或覆核業務 09/25 15:05
6F:→ uppereastbbr: 薪資方面則依申請人資歷核薪 09/25 15:07
7F:推 kevin600339: 這個內控真的有效???太驚人了! 09/25 17:59
8F:→ Hibiki30: 一個人當三個人用的概念 09/27 09:41
9F:推 chiz2: 哇,這是收發文兼內稽,還是內稽兼收發文啊? 10/16 18:50

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