Fantasy 板


其實我PO是因為問題和選項很好笑^O^ 所以就PO上來.可信度很低,但是搞笑一百^^ 大家看看就好 Q1-Favorite Colour? (Yes! Be amazed at my question originality!) A Red B Pink C Brown D Yellow E Black F Blue Q2-Health? A I'm rarely ill and get a lot of exercise. B *starts coughing uncontrollably* Where's my tea?! -->臭臭的藥草茶嘛?? C I don't worry about it. Q3-Appearence? A I tend to scare people with my strange looks. -->我就不信有人會這樣回答XD B Cute and Fluffy!!! C I'm very good looking. Q4-Do you go to parties? A Yeah, I'm always invited. B No. I'm never invited. But I hate everyone anyway. -->的確是小雷的回答XD C Only to crash them. Q5-Sexual Experience? A I'm a virgin, but you wouldn't believe the rumors about me. B I'm only sexually active for a few really intense months out the year. (是指他跟Ulsha她媽的那段風花雪月嘛?) C I've been with a couple of people, but I'm really looking for a steady relationship. Q6-How do you feel about your family? A We're not that close, I have a very large family. B They suffocate me, I need more alone time. -->如果有個像Caramon那樣的哥哥...那的確很辛苦^^" C I depend on them for everything. Q7-What's your ultimate goal in life? A I just want to be happy and be with the people I love. B I want complete control of the weak humans and their pitiful minds. -->其實這個選項還滿搞笑的~~ C I want to overthrow the gods and gain power over all creation. -->....現在是什麼時代了-_- 快醒醒吧>"< Q8-Which of these things represents you? A A Carrot B A Sword C Shadow Puppets D Rose Petals E HourGlass -->有人會覺得自己像沙漏嘛..去弄一副沙漏型角膜變色片好了XD F An Inn -->有人會覺得自己像旅社嘛@@ Q10-What are you more likely to Say? A "I had a dream about this muffin, all covered with sticky honey and those little, crunchy nuts . .." B "Someday fat innkeepers will bow to me" -->挖哈哈哈~~~這個好笑~^^~ C I don't talk much 恩.雖然我把答案都講出來了 不過反正大家一看也知道這是搞笑用的嘛:p 挖哈哈~~~ %20You%3F%20(Dragonlance)/ 請自行連結阿^^ -- 一個六歲即成為中忍的天才 はたけカカシ~~~~~ 史上最強的天才忍者 一個老是蒙著臉而把敏銳的感覺隱藏在睡眼惺忪裡面 一個為了好友的死而懷著團結才是忍道這個奧義的男子 旗木卡卡西 一個有著拷貝忍者的美名且可以拷貝上千種忍術的超強上忍 一個在作任何事都是一手插著口袋抑或是拿著一本親熱天堂故作悠閒的人 一個平時用護額遮住左眼但在遇到強勁對手時會將護額揭開的寫輪眼持有者 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
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1F:推 hsomeguy:Q10的B是靈魂熔爐的台詞唷... 06/02
2F:→ Raist:阿~~~我還沒機會看這部>"<好想看~>"<~ 06/03

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