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感謝各位大大辛苦地收集題庫 由於在搜尋題目時手腳比較慢 所以整理成以句首第一英文字排序 用起來還不錯,跟大家分享 再次感謝各位前輩 Dee Jiang A coconut is a?   NUT *FRUIT VEGETABLE A crepe is typically a?   THIN SALTY BISCUIT *THINLY COOKED PANCAKE THICK CREAMY WAFFLE A tomato is fruit or vegetable?   *FRUIT Agar is a gelatinous substance derived from what?   ANIMAL SKIN *SEAWEED SUGAR CANE b chamel is what kind of sauce?   RED SAUCE *WHITE SAUCE YELLOW SAUCE Bechamel sauce is also known as?   RED SAUCE YELLOW SAUCE *WHITE SAUCE Burger (or hamburger) is from what country?   *AMERICA Calamari is fried?   FISH *SQUID SHRIMP Caviar is made from?   *FISH EGGS PRESERVED BERRIES PIG'S LIVER Chicago-style pizzas are generally?   THIN CRUST *DEEP DISH SQUARE Chili is a kind of?   *FRUIT VEGETABLE ??? Dim sum is originated from what country?   INDIA JAPAN *CHINA Dulce de leche is prepared by heating?   YOGHURT、CHOCOLATE SAUCE、*SWEETENED MILK Feta Cheese is tradionally made in which country?   *GREECE DENMARK SWITZERLAND Foie Gras is food made from which part of an animal?   KIDNEY HEART *LIVER Grapes grow on?   ..... ..... *VINES Honey comes from?   *BEES WASPS DRAGONFLIES In which restaurant would you likely to find sushi?   CHINA KOREA *JAPAN In which restaurant would you likely to find tapas?   ITALIAN, *SPANISH, GERMAN In which restaurant would you typically find calzone?   *ITALIAN SPANISH POLISH In which type of restaurant would you typically find TACOS?   ITALIAN *MEXICAN LEBANESE Ketchup is made from?   STRAWBERRIES *TOMATOES BELL PEPPERS Kimchi is a Korean dish made of fermented?   Fish *Vegetables grain Lard is the fat obtained from which animal?   COW SHEEP *PIG NAAN bread is typically served with?   NORWEGIAN FOOD MEXICAN FOOD *INDIAN FOOD Natto, a traditional Japanese food, is made from fermented?   *SOYBEANS New-York style pizzas are generally?   *THIN CRUST DEEP DISH SQUARE Prunes are dried?   DATES GRAPES *PLUMS Raisins are dried?   DATES PLUMS *GRAPES Ratatouille is a?   POULTRY DISH SEAFOOD DISH *VEGETABLE DISH Rump is from what part of the cow?   FRONT MID *BACK Saffron is a?   *SPICE FRUIT VEGETABLE Sauerkraut is made from?   PICKLED CUCUMBER CHOPPED TOMATOES *FERMENTED CABBAGE Steak TARTARE is made of raw?   FISH CHICKEN *BEEF The Chuck is found where on the cow?   *FRONT MID BACK The flank is found where on the cow?   FRONT *MID BACK The main ingredient in Ratatouille is?   POTATOES *TOMATOES CARROTS The main ingredient in guacamole is?   COURGETTE CUCUMBER *AVOCADO The main ingredients in Tzatziki are?   *yoghurt and cucumber tomatoes and onion ayocado and pepper The pizza originates from which country?   GERMANY AMERICA *ITALY The sirloin is found where on the cow?   FRONT *MID BACK To blanch a vegetable, means to   SLICE IT REALLY TWINLY FRY IT OVER LOW HEAT *BOIL AND COOL OFF QUICKLY To garnish a dish, means to?   *ADD FINAL TOUCHES TO MIX INGREDIENTS TOGETHER IMMERSE INTO COLD WATER To proof dough means to   CHECK IF IS THE RIGHT CONSISTENCY KNEAD IN THOROUGHLY *ALLOW IT TO RISE To refresh the vegetable means   Immerse it into warm water to slightly steam *Immerse it into cold water To saute a dish, means to?   *Fry quickly in hot pan Boil in hot water Add final touches Tuna is a ...   *salt water fish Venison is the meat from what animal?   *DEER, COW, CHICKEN Wasabi is made from a type of Japanese?   CABBAGE *HORSERADISH PEPPERFRUIT What color is a granny Smith Apple?   *GREEN What color is rhubarb?   GREEN PURPLE *RED What color is tuna meat?   WHITE、YELLOW、*PINK What continent produces the most cocoa?   SOUTH AMERICA *AFRICA SOUTHEAST ASIA What is a calzone?   *A TURNOVER MADE OF PIZZA DOUGH A SWEDISH CASSEROLE DISH A RISSOTO WITH SQUID What is chocolate bloom?   *COCOA FAT OR SUGAR What is hashi?   A JAPANESE FRUIT AN ORIENTAL STIR-FRY DISH *CHOPSTICKS What is houmous made from?   RICE *CHICK PEAS CORN What is stracchino?   *A FRESH CHEESE FROM ITALY A FROM OF PASTA PICKLED VEGETABLE What is the main ingredient of tofu?   FISH *SOYBEAN CABBAGE What is the most expensive spice in the world?   PURE VANILLA *SAFFRON CARDAMOM Where does Taco originate from?   *SPAIN Which is the spiciest pepper?   *NAGA JOLOKIA PEPPER Which of the following spices, is the most expensive?   *PURE VANILLA OREGANO CARDAMOM Which of these chillies is the spiciest?   *NAGA JOLOKIA PEPPER Which of these fruits were originally called Chinese gooseberries?   *KIWI FRUIT MANGO POMEGRANATE Which sauce is typically used in eggs benedict?   BBQ SAUCE *HOLLANDAISE SAUCE SOYA SAUCE -- ┌┼ Origin: 政大教育˙YKLM大學 YKLM.nccu.edu.tw └┘ Author: Renegade 從 itsftp.ice.ntnu.edu.tw 發表 --

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1F:推 ron7:用心推~ 不過我都直接"/"搜尋關鍵字 XD 06/06 17:23
2F:推 crystaloops:你還有時間搜尋唷 那不是很快嗎 06/06 17:24
3F:→ yogira:又手癢了,好想上色=w=" 06/06 17:26
4F:推 aerolover:如果英打夠快就來得及~我都降XD 06/06 17:54
5F:→ korinaga:/關鍵字真的超方便:P 06/06 18:44
6F:推 diamonds:隔壁lab推一個 06/06 21:40
7F:推 vaorejao:英打不夠快 只好硬背了 06/06 22:24
8F:推 heavan:錯太多錯到背起來...囧 06/07 01:21
9F:推 seoker:http://users.cjb.net/rc/ 我同學給我這個還滿好用@@ 06/07 02:17
10F:→ renegade:感謝seoker大大!不知道那102題能否全部列出? 06/07 18:48
※ 編輯: renegade 來自: (06/07 18:48)
11F:→ renegade:哇!是長睫毛女孩耶~隔壁LAB揪甘心~ 06/08 21:11
12F:→ renegade:較好的使用方法是下載到Word,印出來剛好一張雙面:) 06/15 00:19
※ 編輯: renegade 來自: (07/14 14:28)

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