LINE 直接機翻,原文不是我看得懂的文字 Audi, which will enter Formula 1 in 2026, is said to be considering a deal with Qatar's sovereign wealth fund, which also owns Paris Saint-Germain soccer club. 奧迪將於 2026 年進入一級方程式賽車,據說正在考慮與卡達主權財富基金達成交易,該 基金還擁有巴黎聖日耳曼足球俱樂部。 there is concern about the increase in tariffs on imported cars in the United States, following the victory of Donald Trump in the presidential election, from German carmakers such as Volkswagen and Porsche (also part of the VW group), which led to a fall in their shares in the Stock Exchange. The crisis in the European car industry is no match for the large investments required to take a Formula 1 team from the bottom of the grid to the top of the grid. 唐納·川普在總統大選中獲勝後,人們擔心美國對大眾和保時捷(也是大眾集團的一部 分)等德國汽車製造商的進口汽車徵收關稅,這導致汽車銷量下降他們在證券交易所的股 份。歐洲汽車產業的危機無法與一級方程式車隊從墊底到頂峰所需的巨額投資相匹敵。 Hence the rumor that Qatar's sovereign wealth fund ( QIA ) wants to invest in the team and ease the financial burden on Audi. QIA is estimated to manage between $100 billion and $200 billion , with high-profile investments such as banking ( Barclays ) and energy ( Shell ), as well as luxury brands such as Chanel and Valentino . 因此有傳言指出卡達主權財富基金(QIA)希望投資該車隊,以減輕奧迪的財務負擔。 QIA 預計管理 1,000 億至 2,000 億美元的資產,其中包括銀行業(巴克萊銀行)和能 源業(殼牌)等備受矚目的投資,以及 Chanel 和 Valentino 等奢侈品牌。 Also, through its subsidiary Qatar Sports Investments , Qatar's sovereign wealth fund also owns the French football club Paris Saint-Germain as well as Malaga . Finally, QIA owns the third largest percentage of the Volkswagen Group (17% voting rights on the board of directors), while it owns 2.5% of Porsche . 此外,卡達主權財富基金也透過其子公司卡達體育投資公司擁有法國足球俱樂部巴黎聖日 耳曼和馬拉加。最後,QIA 擁有大眾集團第三大股份(董事會 17% 的投票權),同時擁 有保時捷 2.5% 的股份。 QIA's entry into F1 seems likely, possibly through a major sponsorship of Audi, similar to what Saudi Arabia did with oil company Aramco and the Aston Martin team , or even by buying shares, given that high-level sources did not they deny to the Italian that the Volkswagen Group is even considering the sale of a stake in the team . QIA 進入F1 似乎是可能的,可能是透過奧迪的主要贊助,類似於沙烏地阿拉伯對阿美石 油公司和阿斯頓馬丁車隊的做法,甚至是透過購買股票,因為高層消息人士並沒有向義大 利人否認。 Doing so would lead to a very significant income to support the team and allow Audi 's venture to continue without large financial demands on the German company itself. Thus, it would allow the team to focus undisturbed on preparing for 2026 in the best possible way. 這樣做將帶來非常可觀的收入來支持團隊,並使奧迪的合資企業能夠繼續下去,而不會對 德國公司本身產生巨大的財務需求。因此,這將使團隊能夠不受干擾地專注於以最佳方式 為 2026 年做準備。 總之汽車業蕭條,大眾可能把F1車隊的股權釋出給卡達投資 換取業務上負擔的減輕 --

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1F:→ unrealstars: 還以為又不玩了 11/08 01:07
2F:推 luvstarrysky: 明年sauber還在 今年就直接擺爛 明年繼續? 11/08 01:29
3F:→ poz93: 還以為卡達要去買AM 11/08 07:36
4F:推 LIEN2021: 以後卡達就變主場了(X 11/08 09:12
5F:→ ken720331: 好快就沒錢了 11/08 09:34
6F:推 taxlaw1991: AM都有沙烏地官方資金了 怎麼會讓卡達進去 11/08 11:27
7F:→ taxlaw1991: 要說也先搞清楚狀況 11/08 11:28
8F:推 likeyouuu: 奧迪多個富爸爸?! 11/08 19:33
9F:推 iori35i: 擺爛爽領分紅 11/08 21:03
10F:→ penny31029: F1崇越是不是又想脫身了 11/08 22:29
11F:推 KotoriCute: 這樣奧迪根本是借殼吧 11/09 22:12

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