摘要: Nikita Mazepin於Instagram宣布退役 法院判決對澤平有利 但職業生涯已經沒了,要去念書工作思考人生
IG留言酸溜溜 不負責任翻譯: 謝謝各位朋友與車迷對於我正式脫離歐洲制裁的祝賀 兩年多了,我很高興法院給了對我有利的判決 同時我也問自己為什麼這個制裁,出現在我的職業生涯的關鍵時刻 歐洲法院的判決是很大的錯誤 很多人都問過我接下來的規劃 時間讓我以不同角度看事物,我有夠多的時間思考人生,我想說的是 我的人生第一幕是為了成為賽車運動的優秀選手 對於速度與激情,從卡丁車一路拚到F3及F2,最後成功取得F1的席位 某方面來說我的夢想實現了,真的體驗了那個世界,並真心熱愛 那個賽季很艱難,我也必須承受公開的挫折, 但我仍對下個賽季的新車抱有期待,也期待一年經驗的幫助 但各位都知道那個賽季沒有發生,原因很清楚,我人生第一幕突然終結 看到F1中每個人都向前邁進,而我無法參與的感覺很痛苦 雖然最後法院給了我公正的判決,但任何運動員的關鍵時刻都是很寶貴的 再也無法挽回 現在我25歲了,該邁向與夢想、速度及獎盃無關的人生下一階段了 我會在求學、工作及沿途的一切找到人生的目標 我想向每位支持過我的人說聲謝謝 沒有支持過我的人也謝謝你們,一切都讓我更堅強 雖然你們不會看到我重返F1,但我以後仍會分享一些消息 原文: I wanted to reach out to the many friends and fans who have sent their congratulations now that I am officially off the sanctions list in Europe. It has been more than two long years, and the courts have rendered their decision in my favor. Of course, I am elated. At the same time, I ask myself what was it all for – to be sanctioned at a vital point in my career, only to have the European court decide that it was all a giant mistake. Many of you have asked what is next for me. Time puts things in perspective. And I have had plenty of time to think about both my past and my future. I think I can now say that the first act of my life was really shaped by and dedicated to trying to be the best in motorsport. The love of speed. The thrill of competition. Working my way up through karting, then F3 and F2. The chase for a seat in Formula 1. And, in part, that dream was fulfilled and I had the taste of that world, and loved it. For real. That season was hard, and I had to take some public knocks. But I was living on the promise of the next season, with a new car, and a little experience under my belt. As we all know, that season didn’t happen. The reasons – we also all know. And that was the abrupt end to my Act 1. It has been painful to watch everyone at F1 moving forward and to not be a part of it. Vindication in the courts is sweet, but the truth is that I can’t get those years back… those essential years in the life and development of any professional athlete. Which leaves me now, at the ripe old age of 25, realizing it is time to look forward, not back. The time has come to write the next act of my life as an adult, with dreams tied, not to speed and trophies, but to applying my mind, and to finding my purpose. This will come with completing my education, working hard, and taking good care of my spirit along the way. I would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me – and even to those who have not throughout my time in motor racing. It has all made me stronger. So, while you will not be seeing a return to Formula 1 for me, I will be happy to share news with you on my next steps 註: 爸爸是俄羅斯寡頭,ig留言狂酸 烏克蘭自由 說的f1好像很簡單 你那麼會轉,該去跳霹靂舞了 有富爸爸真好 你F1職業生涯中的重要階段? --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: Vincent8026 ( 臺灣), 10/21/2024 06:21:55 ※ 編輯: Vincent8026 ( 臺灣), 10/21/2024 06:26:51
1F:推 yanzistart: 他跑亞洲利曼成績還不錯啦 10/21 07:00
2F:推 Woosix: 霹靂舞超哭 10/21 07:10
3F:推 bass17: 算了啦 開F1實力明顯跟其他人有差距 10/21 07:21
4F:推 ShaNe1993: 雖然他被退出的理由超莫名其妙,但實力真的… 10/21 07:30
5F:推 leglerg: 有帶給大家歡樂 他也是好車手 10/21 07:46
6F:推 KomeijiYuki: 有圓夢了也幫Haas度過難關還帶給大家樂子 不要要求 10/21 07:56
7F:→ KomeijiYuki: 太多 10/21 07:56
8F:推 doro0202: 講得好像他還是現役車手一樣 10/21 08:01
9F:→ Vincent8026: 他確實是今年還有跑比賽,但非F1 10/21 08:25
10F:推 louis0724: 辛苦了 成也老爸敗也老爸 10/21 08:31
11F:推 deLaplace95: Who car? 10/21 08:33
12F:推 stapia: 竟然要去唸書XD 10/21 08:59
13F:推 a25172366: 他有跑亞洲利曼啦,現在就是完全不開賽車了 10/21 09:10
14F:推 dallaspurs: 雨胎戰神 10/21 09:38
15F:推 gynd31517: 去怪普丁啊 10/21 09:39
16F:→ Vincent8026: 話說拉導預計明年MBA畢業 10/21 09:51
17F:推 grapesnake: 其實他在F1以外的賽事成績都不錯 10/21 10:19
18F:→ grapesnake: 上到F1不知道什麼問題跑不出速度 10/21 10:20
19F:→ grapesnake: 被逼退就只能怪自己老爸跟普丁的關係了... 10/21 10:20
20F:推 tiesto06202: 我記得他在房車賽好像還算前段班的車手 10/21 11:04
21F:推 grapesnake: 好歹他的超級駕照是實打實的拿滿40分 10/21 11:32
22F:→ grapesnake: 不是靠疫情條款降低門檻才拿到的 10/21 11:33
23F:推 oliver81405: 俄羅斯在殺人的時候 你們家在幫忙 10/21 11:49
24F:推 ILLwill: 這說法應該就是都不比賽了 10/21 12:05
25F:→ ILLwill: 不限於F1 10/21 12:05
26F:→ Vincent8026: 他的升級其實比拉導還順暢 10/21 12:33
27F:推 helloemperor: 馬導不去跑其他賽事喔 10/21 13:08
28F:→ karkkunt: 真的滿衰的,好不容易學會讓領先車,然後就沒有然後了 10/21 13:09
29F:→ maplefoxs: 反正已經是人生贏家了 10/21 17:34
30F:推 moptt9316: 翻譯:老子要回去當富二代享受人生了 10/21 19:58
31F:→ VL1003: 他不算被莫名其妙退出,他家那背景不可能不出事阿 10/21 21:37
32F:→ VL1003: 況且他上 F1 也是因為家裡背景的關係,家裡出事當然就被弄 10/21 21:38
33F:→ VL1003: 走,主要 HAAS 踢走他之前,真的是爽拿他家錢就是。 10/21 21:38
34F:推 frank860328: 其實能開F1就很厲害了 畢竟能開的沒幾個 10/26 07:18

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