中文不負責任翻譯: 在本季最後一站阿布達比後再加開一場新秀賽的構想, 在週三由FIA單座賽事總監N.Tombazis主持的F1委員會上, 由F1主席S.Domenicali否決,轉開始探討2025年舉辦的可能性。 這個會議於義大利法恩札VCARB車隊總部召開, 有討論一些2026賽季規則: 1.季前測試包含3項為期3天的測試, 以充分認識新的動力規則帶來的挑戰, 2.性能、空氣動力、安全規則及財務框架, 力求在競技公平與財務可持續性之間取得平衡, 這些變更將送交FIA批准,該事理會將於10/17舉行 以下全文: F1 Commission rules out 'rookie race' for this year – but concept will be explored for 2025 F1官網 - 2024/10/03 The F1 Commission has ruled out running a special ‘rookie race’ for young drivers at the end of the season – but is keen to explore the concept for 2025. The idea to run a race in current Formula 1 machinery for a grid of young drivers after the final Grand Prix of the season in Abu Dhabi was being considered, but at an F1 Commission meeting on Wednesday chaired by FIA Single-Seater Director Nikolas Tombazis and Formula 1 President and CEO Stefano Domenicali, it was decided not to go ahead with the proposed event this year, but instead to look at whether such a race was possible in 2025. A statement released on Wednesday evening confirmed: “The concept of a ‘ rookie race’ to be added to the 2024 post-season test schedule at Abu Dhabi was discussed. “While the concept received widespread support, it was determined that due to timing and organisational constraints, the event would not take place in 2024, and discussions will continue to formulate a potential concept and plan for 2025.” The Commission, which met at the RB F1 team HQ in Faenza, Italy, did however discuss some changes to the regulations for the 2026 season. Firstly, it’s been agreed that the pre-season testing schedule will involve three, three-day tests, “in recognition of the challenges presented by the new Power Unit Regulations,” which will come into force for 2026. The Technical Regulations themselves for 2026 were also amended at the meeting, specifically in the areas of performance, aerodynamics and safety. The statement said these changes “involve an increase of the expected aerodynamic performance of the cars following extensive collaboration between the teams and the FIA over the last few months.” And finally, the 2026 Financial Regulations were discussed, and it was agreed they will be “an evolution of the current regulatory framework.” “The objectives of the 2026 regulations are to provide a competitive balance between sporting fairness and financial sustainability,” the statement said. All proposed changes are subject to approval by the World Motor Sport Council, which will rule on them at their next meeting on Thursday, October 17. 原文網址: --

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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: Vincent8026 ( 臺灣), 10/03/2024 16:34:16
1F:→ karkkunt: 再研議 10/03 17:03
※ 編輯: Vincent8026 ( 臺灣), 10/03/2024 17:06:40
2F:推 grapesnake: 大部分車隊都支持 但大概很多細節來不及談吧 10/03 17:10
3F:推 shingatter: Toto&Horner難得異口同聲說好,結果沒成 10/03 17:11
4F:→ Vincent8026: 又有單場限定的席位可以賣錢了 (? 10/03 17:28
5F:推 yanzistart: 我猜不算車手積分,只算車隊積分 10/03 17:47
6F:→ dsa35197: 原本預計阿布達比後就已經跟賽季無關了 10/03 18:14
7F:推 gully: 這不是單純辦給新秀爽的嗎? 怎麼會有積分的問題 10/03 18:47
算車隊積分的話,是可以增加票房收視率,也合邏輯 但是會影響到賽季封關戰的地位, 最後真的只差幾分的話,車隊派的菜鳥能力就很關鍵 我認為就是車隊間利益擺不平的問題 真要這樣還不如時間改在開季測試後,這樣問題就比較小
8F:推 asas6122: 看起來就是今年來不及準備所以明年再說 10/03 19:04
※ 編輯: Vincent8026 ( 臺灣), 10/03/2024 19:30:23
9F:→ Yukirin: 辦個新秀賽結果沒人有席位 10/03 20:55
10F:推 grapesnake: 都10月才開始談 一定來不及的啦XD 10/03 21:06
11F:→ grapesnake: 但現在普遍的風向都是支持的 各隊其實都有新人想測 10/03 21:07
12F:→ grapesnake: 12月要辦 但賽季結束可能很多車隊人員都排好休假了 10/03 21:08
13F:→ grapesnake: 突然要一大堆人留下來辦這比賽太困難了 10/03 21:08
14F:推 gully: 我記得阿布達比正賽結束,車隊會留下來做測試吧 10/03 21:27
15F:→ gully: 總之不是馬上就撤離的,可能是來不及談妥細節 10/03 21:28
16F:推 stapia: 好可惜,本來很期待的 10/03 21:56
※ 編輯: Vincent8026 ( 臺灣), 10/03/2024 22:34:59
17F:推 grapesnake: 阿布達比結束後會做明年的輪胎測試 10/04 00:16
18F:→ grapesnake: 但測試需要的人力物資 跟新人衝刺賽還是差蠻多的 10/04 00:16
19F:→ Vincent8026: 不算入車隊積分最簡單,不然有的吵 10/04 00:19
20F:推 AV771118: 應該都是想要吧 車隊明顯很缺測試時間 10/04 01:23
21F:→ AV771118: 要安排其他人測又會有規則的問題 10/04 01:23
22F:推 doro0202: 搞不好就是有排胎測了,所以更不好喬時間? 10/04 11:03
23F:推 bob870507: 太急很難安排啦 籌備比賽都要好幾個月 但是感覺是可 10/04 15:47
24F:→ bob870507: 以期待的 10/04 15:47

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