※ 引述《neubishop (海草)》之銘言: : 原文大致想表達的,只是完賽後,蒙肥在還未過磅之前 : ,便戴上了同隊技師所遞過來的手錶,而這個在賽後過磅前 : 應用外物增減體重的行為,有可能會影響到蒙肥的成績。 嗯...我認為原文如此翻譯比較恰當(有不精確的地方還請指教^^) Juan Pablo Montoya breached the technical regulations after winning the Monaco Grand Prix. 蒙托亞在贏得摩納哥大獎賽之後違反了技術規定。 Although it may have escaped the attention of the race stewards and governing FIA, sharp-eyed observers noted that the Colombian broke the rules in the post-race parc ferme. 雖然這可能躲過了賽事監督員與FIA當局的注意,但是眼尖的人們還是注 意到這位哥倫比亞人在賽後的停車管制區內違反了規定。 Strictly off-limits to any unauthorised personnel, the parc ferme ensures that drivers and cars are not tampered with before they can be re-scrutineered by race officials. 藉由嚴格的限制未經授權人員的進入,停車管制區得以確定車手和賽車沒 有受到不當的影響或更動,直到他們可以重新被賽事官員所監督。 But an errant BMW-WilliamsF1 mechanic may have thrown the second race-win of 27-year-old Juan Pablo in jeopardy by handing the racer his wrist-watch over the parc ferme barriers before he was weighed. 但是一個誤闖的威廉士技師可能讓蒙托亞陷入丟掉這生涯第二座分站冠軍 的危機之中:在秤重之前這位技師越過停車管制區的柵欄將腕錶遞給了蒙 托亞。 Montoya, having celebrated the win with his Grove-based ranks, slipped the watch onto his wrist before strolling into the FIA garage to be officially weighed. 蒙托亞在慶祝勝利過後,在步入FIA車庫正式秤重之前匆忙地戴上了手錶。 All F1 cars must obey strict minimum weight limits to be deemed illegal; the 605kg limit including the weight of the driver, his helmet and other apparel. 所有的F1賽車都必須遵守嚴格的最低重量限制:總重低於605公斤是不合 法的。這605公斤的重量需包含車手、他的安全帽以及其他裝備。 Montoya's breach infringes on sporting regulation 80(d). 蒙托亞的舉動違反了第80號(d)規則。 It states: 'No ... substance or matter of [any] nature may be added to, placed on, or removed from a car after it has finished the race or during the weighing procedure.' 這條規則是這麼寫的:在賽車通過終點線以後,或是在過磅程序進行當 中,沒有任何材質的物品或物質可以被加進、放置在賽車上,或者從賽 車上移除。 The FIA was unavailable for comment on this matter on Wednesday morning. FIA在星期三早上並不願意對此事做出評論。 -- parc ferme 有沒有專有的翻譯名詞? 停車管制區是我自創的>< 還有celebrate with his Grove-based ranks到底是啥東東@@ --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ p00q:不辭辛勞為大家翻譯!讚喔! 推 06/08
2F:→ Jint:這個翻譯比較順... ^^ 推 06/08
3F:→ cruise:不能自己扣掉那隻錶重嗎?一隻錶才200g 推 06/08
4F:→ abc2000:對啊.扣掉後還是夠重吧 推 06/08
5F:→ RalfSchumi:重點不是錶多重吧 是違反規定吧 -_______- 推 06/08
6F:→ geminiyo:越想越嚴重 扯上這種'小'規則 ><" 推 06/08
7F:→ whyy:感恩!比較懂了 推 06/09

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