費叮南與曼聯要告Channel 4,因為昨晚該台製作一個半虛構的紀錄片,該片 講一個虛構的年輕射手如何到了職業足球的世界,沒多久就名利兼收,但是 生活卻越過越放蕩,導致最終身陷強暴案疑雲裡。 本來這節目被費丁南的委託律師Schilling透過法院要停止這節目播出, 但是,在C4給了他們一份影帶拷貝確保沒有費丁南的影子在裡面之後, 妥託律師把告訴撤回,C4也順利把節目如時播出;結果,費先生等人才發現 這節目雖然沒有他本人原先的影子,卻還是被配上他自己的旁白聲音, 然後被用另一段剪接秀出他的身影。 費丁南與其律師準備要告C4毀謗與侵犯個人隱私,C4說"法院見"。 這節目的名稱叫『性,足球員,錄影帶』 可惡,我居然沒看到這節目。不過,奇怪的是,如果費先生是清白,那為何要擋 C4播出?大可等C4播再告倒電視台就好了,大概是預防甚於治療,名聲一旦被誣 陷,即使之後證明是清白的也很難重拾以往名譽。我相信費丁南絕對會要回他的 清白,就像上季萊斯特城在西班牙被控告強暴的鬧劇一樣。 http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,1563,1287210,00.html Ferdinand to sue Channel 4 for libel Sam Jones Friday August 20, 2004 The Guardian Lawyers acting for the Manchester United and England footballer Rio Ferdinand are to sue Channel 4 for libel over footage used in a programme broadcast last night. They say that material shown in Sex, Footballers and Videotape, a drama about the sex lives of a group of young football players, was libellous and invaded his privacy. Yesterday, Ferdinand's solicitors, Schillings, tried to get a high court injunction to stop the programme being shown, but withdrew their application after they were shown a copy of Sex, Footballers and Videotape and concluded that it did not show Ferdinand. However, he was mentioned in the accompanying voice-over, and lawyers acting for Channel 4 maintained that he was featured in the video clip. Despite Ferdinand's denial that it was him in the video, Channel 4 said it intended to broadcast the footage and voiceover, prompting Schillings to announce they would sue for libel. In the end, Channel 4 cut the person it had claimed was Ferdinand from the offending footage, but did show a different video featuring him. A Schillings spokesman said the programme was still libellous and Channel 4 "could expect a libel writ" because of the footage they had used and because of the publicity generated in the run-up to its broadcast. He also said that the Daily Star would face legal action over its reporting of the programme. "Given that Channel 4 are fully aware that Mr Ferdinand denies the person depicted is him, this will include a claim for punitive as well as aggravated damages." A Channel 4 spokesman said the broadcaster would be contesting the action. "We have received a letter from Mr Ferdinand's solicitors, but have not been served with any proceedings. On the basis of the letter we have received, we feel the claim is unfounded and we will be robustly defending any proceedings," he added. A spokeswoman for Channel 4 said the programme was "fair and accurate". 該節目的敘述是: Sex, Footballers and Videotape Dramatised documentary exposing the dark side of Premiership football through the story of Jason Gill, a fictional young striker who is signed to one of the big clubs and finds himself catapulted overnight into a previously undreamt of world of wealth and celebrity. Dazzled by his new lifestyle and heavily influenced by his new friends, Jason's hedonistic spree spirals out of control and before long he finds himself at the centre of an alleged rape case. The film is based on recent sex and drug scandals involving footballers and draws on evidence from interviews with footballers, managers, agents and the young women with whom they are involved. --

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