作者YoshiTilde (一頁本是難成書)
標題[情報] 白鸛鳴泣時延期到9月底
時間Wed Jul 10 20:34:59 2019
原本希望可在8月舉辦コミックマーケット Comiket96時推出的《白鸛鳴泣時》、《海貓鳴
泣時 咲》,將延期到9月底。
In Ciconia When They Cry, World War 3 has come and gone, with nuclear winter onl
y narrowly avoided with cutting-edge technology leading to the development of a
new ultimate military technology, the Gauntlet, which allows those wielding one
to fly like fighter jets, fight like battleships, and repel attacks like tanks w
ithout any additional equipment. The Gauntlets require particular talent and spe
cial training administered from a young age in order to control, and the young b
oys and girls capable of mastering them become known as Gauntlet Knights. The ma
in characters of Ciconia When They Cry will be a group of these young Gauntlet K
nights who, after the peaceful competition in the International Battle Standard
Festival, become fast friends vowing to prevent world war together. However, wor
ld events are leading directly to World War 4 like a cascading row of dominos, a
nd these “main characters” are nothing but pawns in the global games played by
those with a right to sit at the table. Will these youth be forced to murder ea
ch other? Can the tragedy of war be prevented by mere pawns? Who are the real pl
ayers in these games, and will you, the fans of When They Cry, fight for your se
at at this deadly game?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Expansion07/M.1562762103.A.52C.html
1F:推 HanyuSpirit: 有羽入給推~ 哈嗚哈嗚 07/10 21:25