Expansion07 板


好讀版:https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Expansion07/M.1543561477.A.732.html 全民英檢google級翻譯 有錯請鞭 -- very nicely done. do you think you could make it more concise though? 做的不錯呢。 只是,你覺得可以讓它再簡潔一點嗎? Regulations forbid us from making PR films any shorter than that. demo片的規定已經禁止我們再將它做的更短了。 Your Excellency, your car is waiting.... 閣下,車子已經準備好了... Oh, all right. Well then, keep up the good work, Captain Okonogi. 好的,那麼,請繼續保持下去,小此木大尉。 I hear the Aerial Augmented infantry will grab a lot of attention at the upcoming Battle Standard Festival,so make sure you give it your all. 我聽說在接下來的的軍旗祭中空挺機兵部門受到了很大的關注呢.加油吧。 By the way ... I believe that a contestant from here in Japan will be participating as a representative of the AOU, correct? 話說回來...我記得在參賽的AOU代表中有個日本出身的選手對吧? Yes, Majar General, sir. A Second Lieutenant of the 0017th Aerial Augmented Infantry Squad "Warcat". Mitake Miyao. 是的,少將閣下。 第0017空挺機兵分隊代號"Warcat"所屬的 御岳都雄少尉。 https://imgur.com/HM0C4qq 0017th Aerial Augmented Infantry Squad   Warcat Currently the strongest kette among all of the AOU's Aerial Augmented Infantray. After fierce battles against powerful rivals. they won their seats as prepresentatives of the AOU at the international Battle Standard Festival. 第0017空挺機兵分隊 "Warcat" 在AOU中目前最強大的空挺機兵分隊。 在與有實力的敵人激烈對抗中,取下了這次代表AOU參加本屆軍旗祭的資格。 https://imgur.com/inxxH6m 100th Aerial Augmented Infantry Experimental Squad "Grave Mole" An experimental squad attached to a milltary research center. Was entered into the intrnational Battle Standard Festival as the result of a political decision, for the purpose of collecting reseach data. 第100空挺機兵試驗分隊 "Grave Mole" 一個附屬在軍事研究中心底下的試驗分隊。 由於政治因素的原因被派去參加軍旗祭收集研究資料。 https://imgur.com/IsIp4Pi Imperical Guard Aerial Augmented Infantry Squad "Baibao 白豹" Currently the best of the Aerial Augmented Infantray Squads across the COU, this kette is fated to region supreme at all times. 帝國防衛空挺機兵分隊 "Baibao 白豹" 目前在COU中最強大的空挺機兵分隊,被公認為是最頂級的分隊。 https://imgur.com/sMAgZnk 301st Aerial Augmented Infantry Squad "Suparna" Because Baibao Sauad is deified in the COU for propaganda purposes, Suparna Squda is often relegated into obscurity. However, they're more than strong enough to serve as Baibao's other half, so they unsurprisingly selected as contestants for the International Battle Standard Festival. 第301空挺機兵分隊 "Suparna" 由於白豹在COU地區被宣傳到幾乎為神的地步,Suparna經常被輕輕帶過。 但其實他們的實力跟白豹不分軒輊,所以不意外的被作為代表入選了這次的軍旗祭。 https://imgur.com/Lls8lny The Holy 0901st Aerial Augmented Infantry Squad "thalaatha Saif" A kette formed around Naima,the ABN's mysterious trump card. This is another one-man ace style team like the COU's Baibao Squad. 神聖第0901空挺機兵分隊 "thalaatha Saif" 由Naima所構成的小隊,ABN的神祕王牌。 跟白豹一樣是屬於一人團隊類型。 https://imgur.com/sIuePiA 012th Holy Aqent Corps "Shavit Yalda" The Holy Aqent Corps is often viewed as a propaganda crops aimed at youngsters,but some suspect that they're actually barrier troops. 第012神聖特務兵團 "Shavit Yalda" 神聖特務兵團通常被認為是針對青少年所設置的宣傳組織, 但也有人懷疑他們實際上是反撤退兵團(殺死我方臨陣逃跑士兵的兵團)。 https://imgur.com/6JTjuBP The ACR Royal Aerial Knight Corps "Squad 601" A one-man ace kette that exists for the sole purpose of assisting Princess Rethabile of the ACR. ACR皇家空中騎士兵團 "Squad 601" 一人團隊,所存在的唯一目的就是協助ACR的公主Rethabile。 https://imgur.com/nK8BNmY 1st Aerial Knight Corps "Cairo Memorial Squad" The ACR tends to exceptional individual achievement over group action. The Cairo Squad is among many squads composed of the best talent from the Aerial Augment infantry divisions serving under the ACR Combined military. 第一空中騎士兵團 "Cairo Memorial Squad" ACR傾向注重優秀的個人成就更勝於團體行動,因此在所有的ACR軍隊中挑選出最優秀天份 的人所組起來的隊伍,就是"Cairo Memorial Squad"。 All is in the name of guiding humanity down the right path. 這一切,為的都是將人類指引到正確的道路上。 時隔多年,大家可以來買股票了(′・ω・`) -- 於月華之下,仔細傾聽。於流水之緣,仔細傾聽。擁抱你愛之人,仔細傾聽。 聽將死之人的呼喊,聽輕拂無聲亡者的風聲,聽我破碎之心吟唱。 是關於世界樹之歌,是關於其壯麗枝葉中,所有未了夢想死亡之歌。 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Expansion07/M.1543561477.A.732.html ※ 編輯: tikusa844 (, 11/30/2018 15:20:41
1F:推 kaiteinomen: 推 好難想像這什麼故事XD 11/30 18:21
2F:推 SuicideWorks: 上一部扯到海軍 這次講空軍嗎XD 11/30 21:46
3F:推 ainamk: 這麼說來寒蟬有扯到陸軍耶XD 12/01 00:30
4F:推 SuicideWorks: 三軍都到ㄌ 12/01 10:49
5F:→ tingmeow: 感覺有點鋼鍊 12/01 18:48
6F:→ tingmeow: 人設還不錯>///< 12/01 18:49
7F:推 Mimiqui: 人物蠻多的XD 我要買股票! 12/01 22:47
8F:→ tikusa844: 看樓上這樣說 加上最後一行 12/04 08:45
9F:→ tikusa844: 龍騎士還真的說不定會探討人造人之類的議題= = 12/04 08:46
10F:推 star123: SY感覺就超黑的 07/23 07:11

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