作者caselook (幸福要懂得耕耘)
標題[飲食/蜜袋] 小蜜不該餵什麼?
時間Tue Jun 9 13:36:21 2009
As much as you like junk foods and candy make it a point o rule never to feed
same to you glider, along with any foods that contain onions or its powder,
they are a source of toxin to the glider.
人吃的零嘴和糖果。(ps焦糖布丁還是別餵了吧..= =)
Wild insects and houseplants, they have one form of toxin or parasite on
them, even pesticides and this will be very harmful to the glider, even cause
death, also never allow your glider to drink distilled water.
不要餵蜜喝蒸餾水!(ps純水可能不適合..= =)
Also seeds and nuts should not be a regular part of there meal but as an
occasional treat. Cat or dog food should never be feed to your glider.
貓食或狗食不要拿來餵蜜!(ps採反對說..= =)
Foods meant for ferrets due to the high level of fats, and foods with refined
sugar in them. Bananas and citrus fruits can cause diarrhea,
香蕉及柑橘類水果會導致下痢!(ps香蕉和橘子一樣危險..= =)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 dcl1109:對蜜吃的東西有些爭議 像是貓狗飼料可以補鈣跟動物性蛋白 06/09 13:40
2F:→ dcl1109:有人說柑橘類少給但是蜜愛吃 還有芒果鳳梨不要給之類的 06/09 13:41
3F:→ dcl1109:人的食物就別談了 連人吃了某些都會中毒 更何況是蜜 06/09 13:42
4F:推 GameDemon:RO水不知道能不能 06/09 14:14
5F:推 k3708831:難怪我家小蜜不吃香蕉 06/09 16:13
6F:推 emfee:我家蜜蜜喝的是我們大老遠跑去扛山泉水回家家備長碳煮出來的 06/09 16:17
7F:→ emfee:水 連兔兔、狗狗、小鳥、刺刺全都是喝這水長大的 06/09 16:17
8F:→ light20735:樓上騙人!!!會不會太養生了XDDDDDD 06/09 16:28
9F:推 ddtddr:吃空氣長大最養生 06/09 16:38
10F:→ goodc130:樓上是指空氣鳳梨嗎? @@ 06/09 17:18
11F:→ goodc130:EMFEE說的我相信說,有陣子我都是提溪水在養魚的... 06/09 17:18
12F:推 emfee:我說真的啊!因為我家都是喝這水 我老公每個月都要跑去滿月 06/09 17:23
13F:→ emfee:圓那邊載水 我煮的飲料和開水還有煮飯也都用這水。所以寵物 06/09 17:24
14F:→ emfee:們也都一起喝這水啦!多虧有勤奮的老公家裡大小才有這口福呢 06/09 17:24
15F:→ emfee:連蜜蜜喝的奶也是用這煮過的水泡出來的 超愛喝的 我家兔兔也 06/09 17:26
16F:→ emfee:快把我喝垮了 水不停的灌 我只好很努力的煮 06/09 17:26
17F:→ caselook:樓上,你老公是開消防車嗎..= =" 06/09 22:54
18F:→ emfee:我老公不是開消防車哩!他在已故的王董的公司上班 06/09 23:11